DFF1-UHD w/ B175 transducer

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Currently I have a TZ14/DFF-1/B164 fish finder system. I am interested in upgrading to CHIRP but I want to stay w/ the tilted element flush through hull transducer. What recommendations does Furuno have regarding the use of the B175L/H pairing w/ the DFF-1 UHD? Thank you in advance.
Yes, you can use the B-175LH combination with the UHD. You will need to configure the UHD manually for a B-265 and don't connect the Orange TID wires of the 175's. Please note that the UHD's ACCU-FISH and the Bottom Discrimination modes were calibrated using the 265 not the 175, so there is no telling how well they will work. Just so you know for those two modes to work to their peak efficiency the two beam need to be pointed exactly the same direction and over lapping, which will very difficult to do when you have separate housings.

Thank you that's very helpful. It seems that the combination although possible is clearly suboptimal, particularly given the cost investment.
I am glad you asked the question. The UHD is unique in the market place because it is the only Chirp that has ACCU-FISH and Bottom Discrimination capabilities.

Here is a little more about how the BD mode works in our sounders and how to get the most out of it. The BD mode uses both frequencies to classify the bottom. Even if you are just looking at 50 or 200Khz both frequencies are pinging away. From testing we have found that the BD mode gives the most accurate bottom type when the looking straight down. This is where using a tilted element transducer(s) may not be the best choice if the hull is not 12 or 20 degrees. During our testing we took a bronze stemmed transducer pointed in straight down and charted the bottom type probability. We then changed the tilt of the transducer to see what would happen. We found that the more the beam started to look off to the side the softer the bottom classification was. On flat seabed's we found this wasn't to bad but on sloped bottoms, the classification/probability could change by quite a bit simply due to the heading of the vessel. If the transducer is slightly tilt off to the side and a vessel was heading north the beams of the transducer may be looking down a slope (softer). But headed south it is now looking into the slope giving a harder indication and this was with a transducer where both beams were centered in one housing just think what could happen when you start off with variable of two separate housings.

Good fishing.

I see that the 265LH is the clear choice. I will look into the feasability of replacing my B164 w/ 265LH given the differences in stem size between the two transducers.