navnet fishfinder

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i will try that once i get back on the water

i sent the dff1 off to have it checked and it came back with no issues. i have updated the software to 2.7 and today we are changing the transducer. so once that is changed with a new one i hope this issue will go away, if not where should i go from here. we are changing the cable from ducer to dff1 just incase there was an issue with it as well.

thanks for all the help

When there are sounder problems; in most cases it is related to the transducer. If you still have problems after replacing the transducer, then it would be time to call in an authorized dealer. If your DFF1 came back with a clean bill of health, then I am sure you will find replacing the transducer will most likely correct your problem unless you have a mounting/locational issue. I would recommend setting all your sounder settings back to default in the menu.

the location for this transducer is a factory cutout so i dont think its the location as all the boats made would have an issue with this location. once they replace the ducer i plan to head to the deep water saturday and i hope the issue will be gone. i have been working with the dealer (the gps store) all along on the this matter and they have been great to deal with. i will set the finder settings to default once we get there and see if i still have an issue

thanks again for all your support
I am glad to hear you got your temp working. It might be easier for you to call in to our tech support, while you are on the boat, to do some troubleshooting. If you are outside our support area or can’t call in; you might try hanging a good transducer over the edge of the boat and see if it works. If it does, then you have a transducer issue. We don’t sell the Mix & Match transducers so you would need to address any warrantee via your vendor. If you still have problems with another good transducer, please send the unit into our factory service center for evaluation. You could get your dealer on the boat but only verified issues with the sounder under warrantee, would be covered. If due to system setup or your Mix & Match transducer, you will be billed for the service. I would start with calling into tech support if you can.
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