MFD12 and garmin 5212 on same N2K network?


New member
The installation guide (v3.2) says on page 23/24 that each MFD is designed to operate in its own N2K network. So this is probably a dumb question, but can a Garmin MFD and the Furuno MFD12 be linked to the same N2K network? The previous owner of my boat has the Garmin and Furuno MFD12 connected to the same N2K network, but no external power is being supplied to pins 17 & 18 of the DATA2 port, so I guess it is not really connected.

Thanks in advance for any clarification on this.
Pin 17 & 18 are wires for doing a power pass through to power CanBus without using a power Tee. (limited to 1 amp). It wouldn't be typically connected in most installs. If the Garmin and the Furuno are on the same established NMEA 2000 bus; it shouldn't be a problem for you as long as the Garmin is NMEA 2000 compliant.
Thanks very much. The garmin is N2K compliant so that explains how the garmin receives the depth and speed from the DFF1, which is connected via a LAN cable to the Ethernet switch which is connected to the PSU-012 and then the MFD12.