fcv 295 to b175l with mmc-0 cable


New member
Hello, my first post so be gentle,,,, :furuno
fred wilson <fwwilsoneng@gmail.com>

I'm wiring a MMC-0(gemeco) 33-1359-01(Furuno) lead into the plugs on a Furuno FCV 295 to interface with B175L and B175H Airmar chirp transducers . Furuno USA supply a wiring diagram(I've attached the diagram that I've worked from), I've followed it very carefully and have the HF side working beautifully but can't get the LF side and the temperature to work at all. I found a wiring guide from Bluebottle marine that shows the wiring of the LF transducer lead but I'm reluctant to cut off the plug to wire it direct. My main question, is this diagram correct for that particular lead? Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.


The color code on the wiring diagram is correct. However I am not familiar with your Mix-Match set up you have. I would be curious on the low frequency side instead on using the Blue/Black with the white stripe trying the Blue/Black pair.

Thanks for your input Snips, you've just raised a interesting question. Unless I'm mistaken the diagram(B175LHW) attached shows the LF side connected black/blue as opposed to the HF side connected blue/black. The Airmar wiring from the LF B175L transducer is blue/black with a white stripe on both. I have the black/blue(MMC-0) connected. Both HF and LF 295 plugs are numbered 123, which number is the positive and which is the return for the LF? Are you saying I should I have the white striped leads connected?
Maybe. The diagram shows the transducers being connected directly to the sounder, not using the Mix and Match set up. If connecting the Blue/Black wires works will can amend the drawing to reflect that.

That's the info I needed Snips, very much appreciate your help. the mix and match(MMC-0) cable has confused the issue. The two black and blue striped leads hopefully are the correct leads that should have been connected. That is the wiring colours inside the LF transducer cable. I've been very cautious in connecting because I've no idea what damage could be caused to the transducer element/s and they're not cheap.
Yes, I have the same wiring diagrams. I know that the LF is suppose to use the Blue/Black with the white stripe and in theory the adapter cable "should" be straight through. However I never used your set up personally or know of anybody that has.

So going forward you either have a bad LF transducer or the FCV-295 has an issue. You can the check the FCV-295 by reprogramming the LF channel for 200Khz. If the FCV-295 is working properly you should see one bottom return on HF side at the dock with the gain at 0.

The black/blue wires don't work, I've just connected the striped wires, unfortunately I can't test in water but it looks to be working with a thick blue line at the top of the screen.
The B175L wiring diagram, note 1, :thumbdown shows the blue /black wires are cut off both ends. Second page of the Furuno wiring guide for B175LHW shows The LF transducer connected Black+, Blue-. no possible way this can work, seems there is an error in that diagram. :thumbdown
On the water over the last 4 days. After correcting the wiring of the LF transducer to the Airmar diagram, very pleasing results from this combination. 118 meters of water, both LF and HF giving excellent readings marking fish. Highly recommend the fcv 295 with chirp transducers. To whoever is responsible for the Furuno wiring diagram, it needs to corrected. In the next month I will be fishing depths up to 300 meters, anticipate it will do it easily.
Thank you for the update.
A corrected drawing will be posted shortly.

Thanks Snips, not so important but I still can't get the temperature to work. I set the temp to on in the panel 2 but the sounder doesn't have an option to set it to own or external. Can you help with what I'm doing wrong?
The white and brown temperature wires go to pins 2 & 3 on the six pin connector. Then you need to change the source to OWN in the Data menu.



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