Boat: Hoku Radon 26 Ft, Transducer is a thru hull Airmar 109 paired with FCV-295. Based in Hawaii. Usually fish rough water.
Have been using on default setting for a while with minimum results knowing the potential is much greater. Want to target Onaga (Flametail) snappers between 100-160 fathoms when bottom fishing and Tuna in the 40 fathom range so looking for a mix of two for optimal settings.
First would be setup XCDR menu, currently have HF not connected with LF connected & 82khz selected/82b-35r.
Should I select manual? If so what do I plug in for HF connection, Freq, Tranducer, Tap, Freq & Band with?
Same with Low Connection, Freq, Transducer, Tap, Freq& Band with.
What do I select for TX power?
How would I use 2kw for Lower frequency & 1kw for Higher frequency?
Will use Demo mode to adjust gain & clutter once I get settings correct. As of right now I feel like I get a lot of false readings/ can’t determine what I am looking at.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. As of right now my FCV-295 is producing minimal results.

Have been using on default setting for a while with minimum results knowing the potential is much greater. Want to target Onaga (Flametail) snappers between 100-160 fathoms when bottom fishing and Tuna in the 40 fathom range so looking for a mix of two for optimal settings.
First would be setup XCDR menu, currently have HF not connected with LF connected & 82khz selected/82b-35r.
Should I select manual? If so what do I plug in for HF connection, Freq, Tranducer, Tap, Freq & Band with?
Same with Low Connection, Freq, Transducer, Tap, Freq& Band with.
What do I select for TX power?
How would I use 2kw for Lower frequency & 1kw for Higher frequency?
Will use Demo mode to adjust gain & clutter once I get settings correct. As of right now I feel like I get a lot of false readings/ can’t determine what I am looking at.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. As of right now my FCV-295 is producing minimal results.