Connecting RD33 to ECDIS



G day. Urgently need pin numbering for 000-154-054 6 pin NMEA cable . Actually want to connect RD33 to ECDIS and have no cable on hands. PIN numbers on NMEA port of RD33 will also help much. Not able to find this info in RD33 manual and pins not marked on the unit itself.
We don't discuss the ECDIS here because it is a commercial product. As for the RD33, the pin-out for all Furuno manuals is normally on page S-1 of the manual where the interconnection diagram is shown. That will provide you the color code and RD33 connection. In addition to that, here is a pin-out of the 6 pin cable itself.6Pin.jpg
Thanks, Johnny. Will try to connect and revert with outcome.
Bingo. Connected and all works fine. Thanks again for prompt support