Chart detail


Furuno Fan
I have a TZT14 and Maxsea TZ Sportfishing both with the supposedly the same Navionics charts. The details in the Maxsea charts in significantly higher than in the TZT14. I have tried opening the fishing charts in the TZT and have no detail whatsoever so I wonder if the problem is my system is not reading the 3D charts which is where I think the detail is stored. In particular, the bathymetric lines which are drawn very close to each other in Maxsea are 50 meters apart in the TZT. What could be the problem?

Thank you,

The bathy (fishing) charts (for USA only) of the TZT will change based on the range scale you select. As you range in closer the lines might be every 10 feet but when you range out it might be every 100 feet of depth.

The 3D bathy (invisible) file is colorized based on your settings with you choose depth shading overlay from the roto-knob.

Details of vector charts are controlled by the MENU - Charts - Vector tab and the custom tab. If you don't find what you need after trying this and watching the TZT videos, I recommend you contact tech support while in front of the unit.