WLAN sees some networks but not mine (TZT16F)


Furuno Fan
Hi folks. New install with three TZT16s -- two of them can see and connect to my boat's wireless network, but one does not.

All three MFDs see the networks of the marina and nearby boats. Two of them see my boat's network and will connect reliably. The third MFD shows all networks EXCEPT mine. I did a factory reset.

In the SERVMAN app, I verified that the WLAN Monitor can see the network at around -55 dB (same as the other MFDs). What am I missing? Thanks.
Thanks! I hadn't seen that thread. It suggests the MFD might be too close to the wifi router. All three MFDs are roughly the same distance (about 8 feet) from my Pepwave router. In SERVMAN, all three show the Pepwave with the same signal strength (around -55 to -60 dB). But I'll test them one at a time, and also try tweaking the Pepwave antennas.

I'm trying to get all three MFDs on the WLAN so I can view them from iPhone/iPad.
When using a tablet you connect individually to the unit you are controlling. They must be in host mode with the MFD wifi. To have them as client on the same network; I don't think trying to connect to a wifi router won't work like that. The NavNet series one allowed that type configuration because it supported both class B and class C networks. The TZT2/TZT3 and TZTXL so not support class C networks. The network must be 172.031.xxx.xxx address structure. It isn't made to allow you to connect to one unit and control the others through it. If you put them all into host mode with different names you should be able to individually connect to each unit but I don't think you will be able have them in client mode on a shared wifi and expect that to work.
I somehow stumbled into getting it to work, so I'll share what I did.
* Tried connecting while both other MFDs were turned off. No joy.
* Tried re-pointing the Pepwave antennas sideways to reduce signal strength. No joy.
* Accidentally rebooted the Pepwave, then at some point, I was able to connect.

Later, in the SERVMAN WLAN Monitor, I noticed that my network (DCM_Onboard) now shows up on Channels 10-11-12, whereas a couple days ago it was on Channels 5-6-7, as shown below. How did I do that, and why did it work? I'm not sure, but it worked.

(You folks probably don't hear this often enough, but this forum is a great resource and I really appreciate your help.)

I was able to view all three MFDs on my iPhone using the NAVnet Remote app. That's all I really wanted at this point.
I declared victory too soon. Now that the port MFD is connected to wifi, it keeps rebooting. Sometimes it stays up for an hour, sometimes only a minute or two. If I turn off wifi, it runs fine without rebooting. Note, this MFD was repaired by Furuno for a defective main board. I wonder if there's some deeper problem.
I don't see how a new main board would be an issue as they don't utilize used parts. I think it is about how you are trying build combined wifi network of all MFDs. It is interesting but not since TZT series one (that is a different operating system) was a wifi router supported.