Wiring Autopilot and RDPs

  • Thread starter Thread starter OrcaAye
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I have questions on wiring a Furuno Navigation Suite that I acquired from a friend. Most important is to get the Autopilot to function and communicate with the plotter/ RDP

The System consists of:
1. 1824 Radar
2. RDP 148 Display
3. RDP 149 Display
4. Network Soundrr DFF-1
5. Nav- pilot 511
6. Heading Sensor PG- 500
7. Control for A/P FAP 5011
8. Handheld for A/P FAP 5021
9. Hub

1. Rudder reference Unit
2. GPS Sensor
3. Some wiring


A) I don’t know how the Nav- Pilot 511 should connect to the RDP’s. Through the hub? Or direct? At present there are 4 wires coming off of what the installation manual labels as NEMA In / OUT. The wires terminate in spade connections. Could these have gone to a terminal block to interconnect with a hub cable? The wires are not color coded so what goes where in the hub plug?

B) The PG 500 Heading Sensor has 5 wires out of the DP-10 port that terminate in spade connections, Could these have gone to terminal block to interconnect with a hub cable? These are color coded- willl they match up with the hub plug color coding?

C) I do not have a GPS sensor (antennae) for the system. Does this require a special GPS sensor, if so recommendations. And where would it plug into? Perhaps Data port 1 or 2 on the RDP 149 (these appear to have been used for something).

D) I do not have a Rudder Reference Unit. Recommendations?

Present Configuration (as best as I can tell):

Network Sounder DFF-1 connected to Hub.
1824 Radar connected to the RDP 148;
RDP 148 feeds Hub via Network Port;
RDP 149 feeds Hub via Network Port- but no connection to other instruments. Data Ports 1 and 2 appear to have been used at some time, but for what- GPS Sensor?

I understand most of the connections of the Navpilot: power, motor control, control heads, rudder reference, and Fluxgate PG 500. As stated in Question “A” there are four wires from NEMA IN/Out with spade terminals. Where do they go? There is no connection to Hub or RDPs
Heading Sensor PG 500 is connected to Nav pilot, but has 4 wires from AD -10 port with spade terminals. Where do they go?

Thanks for any help!
A) I don’t know how the Nav- Pilot 511 should connect to the RDP’s. Through the hub? Or direct? At present there are 4 wires coming off of what the installation manual labels as NEMA In / OUT. The wires terminate in spade connections. Could these have gone to a terminal block to interconnect with a hub cable? The wires are not color coded so what goes where in the hub plug?

The NavPilot 500 series would use NMEA 0183 from the Vx2s. This would normally come from Data 2 of a 10.4" display, or data one of a 7" The Autopilot would have NOTHING to do with network.

B) The PG 500 Heading Sensor has 5 wires out of the DP-10 port that terminate in spade connections, Could these have gone to terminal block to interconnect with a hub cable? These are color coded- will they match up with the hub plug color coding?

No "AD-10" heading is four wire binary heading data. It would also have NOTHING to do with network. AD-10 heading is normally connected to the same display as the radar. It would connect to the dedicated Heading port. (data 3 on 10.4" or data 2 on 7"). The autopilot normally connects and gets heading from the 7 pin NMEA/Power connection of the PG500.

C) I do not have a GPS sensor (antennae) for the system. Does this require a special GPS sensor, if so recommendations. And where would it plug into? Perhaps Data port 1 or 2 on the RDP 149 (these appear to have been used for something).

These units normally use a 7 pin Smart GPS antenna (Furuno BBWGPS aka GP320B) connected to data one of a 10.4" or data one of a 7" You can wire about any NMEA 0183 GPS store into the port but the smart antenna usage is the most common install.

D) I do not have a Rudder Reference Unit. Recommendations?

Yes the Navpilot 500 series must have a RRU. If this is an inboard, I would suggest the Furuno FAP6112.

As stated in Question “A” there are four wires from NEMA IN/Out with spade terminals. Where do they go?
Where every you need AD-10 heading data. The NavNets can use AD-10 or NMEA heading depending on which you want to wire.
Thanks Johnny E for the previous response. Very Helpful. I am now trying to determine how to wire the FAP6112 Rudder Reference Unit to the Autopilot. The wires from the FAP6112 are color coded- but I don't know which color goes where. Any help would be appreciated.- Thanks
if i wire the pg-500 using the 12/24v port (white,blue,yellow,green) to a tzt2 could this output data from the tzt2 to the nema 2000 network so that a garmin auto pilot can use this sensor instaed of the garmin (discontinued compass ball). ?
The NMEA0183 cables off of the TZT2 are output data only (designed to output data to older NMEA0183 autopilots). You cannot wire anything into that port to bring data into the network.

Do you already have the PG500?
i have ordered the new (4 gps) antenna release date april 13 , i was told it would be able to take the place of the compass ball and unliock some tzt2 featuers .
so the pg-500 is not compatible with the tzt2 at all it seems ?
The drawing was referred to in relation to wiring up the RRU. Moving to the compass; Kicker is correct the TZT2 only has 0183 output. If you are going to bring over heading from the PG500; you must first convert it into NMEA 2000 format (using a converter like IF-NMEA2K2) and drop it to the NMEA 2000 network that your TZT2 is connected.
i have ordered the new (4 gps) antenna release date april 13 , i was told it would be able to take the place of the compass ball and unliock some tzt2 featuers .
so the pg-500 is not compatible with the tzt2 at all it seems ?

It is but the data would have to be converted to NMEA 2000. The SCx20 is a great option, if that is what you are talking about. It will interface directly to your NMEA 2000 bus and sat compasses will always out do a fluxgate by far.