vx2 with ais - no symbols on screen

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i try to set up a Furuno Navnet vx2 with AIS input from a easytrx2-IS-IGPS transceiver.
up and running was easy.
ais runs, send ship info and shows data incoming
the existing furuno navnet vx2 also shows on data port 2 with 38.4k under port-monitoring the incoming AIVDM sentences
My problem now is, that i don't have a clue about how to get the data onto the plotter screen.

show tracks and marks is set for both, arp and ais (don't have arp)
nmea from the depth and watertemp is submitted from the raymarine tridata via ais (4800 to 38.4k multiplex) and perfectly shown on the plotter like before.

the data of the vx2 is
programm 1950002401.07
FPGA 01.06
ser.no. 4326-8789

somewhere on the internet i found a remark about a software update (2008) something about version 08... ? and a remark about "older" models need a hardware update?

anyway i would appreciate some help and info.
software version seem to me like 4.01 from around 2011? or am i completely mistaken and just have to upgrade the software?

thanks for the help
currently in St.Maarten
It sounds like you have everything set up correctly, BUT your software is way to old. Version 1.07 required a special AIS interface way back when. You just need to backup your points and settings and then update your software. Your software will update to the current version in one step using the software and instructions posted under the product.
update 4.03 went perfectly
i went wrong in two places 1) last owner told me he had it updated and 401 looked like fitting - 2) i haven't found the right description about what part of the number was the right one - maybe my fault.

updated - connection redone with ais - targets appear on screen :-)

thanks johnny - i didn't suspect you even work over christmas
merry christmas especially to you and surely also to the rest of the crew.

thanks a lot - you did even help me with a some of the other treads here.
i hope they let you keep up this perfectly good work on this forum here.
bernd, sv-mau
happy as santa now
info for others - just to share

with the Navnet vx2 10.4 ccfl display RDP-149 cmap-nt-max
the software version is derived from the programm 19500240v.vv
with programm 195002401.07 this means version 1.07
with programm 195002404.03 this means version 4.03 (which is on 26.12.2013 the actual one)

ais from nmea to data-2 seems to work from 1.08 and up - so don't be as dumb as me and check really good which version you have.

ais is working nicely now, showing targets all over the place. if you miss some check the number of displayed target. after my update it was set to 30

used connections
gps: furuno gps to furuno navnet vx2 on data-1
ais to furuno: from ais to vx2 data-2 in with speed set to 38.4k / data-2 out not used yet
note: on my data-2 there is only the ais - nothing else multiplexed over the ais
not used
tricky setup
dsc-vhf-radio out to furuno vx2 data-4 RD+/RD- in
raymarine (ap-heading) via E85001 Seatalk to NMEA box to vx2 data-4 Rx-in (blue as (+) / shield as(-) )
furuno vx2 to raymarine autopilot st5000+ in and(!) dsc-vhf-radio in data-4 Tx-out (white as (+) / shield as (-) )
here are 2 Listeners (ap/vhf)on one sending port ! and they are sharing shield as (-) or gnd

take care not to connect 12v +/- (red/black) for the alarm beeper to the nmea ;-)

tests done:
ais targets - ok shown - data2 ok
water temp / depth / heading for radar overlay - ok - shown on vx2 - data4 Rx-in/shield ok
autopilot shows waypoint, dsc-vhf radio shows gps - ok - data4 Tx-out/shield ok
dsc-vhf radio get position from other ship and send to vx2 - ok shown right on top of the ais position - data4 RD +/- ok

note: the dsc data from the radio cannot be fed into Rx/Shield - at least then i didn't get a mark on the screen, with the "double" input to data4 it's working perfectly - i haven't checked up to now if i could put all data via the raymarine e85001 box to the RD+/- of the vx2 - and if this might be a more sensible setup - the box itself has a (unused) NMEA input

note2: for the older raymarine stuff this box or a similar converter looks like the only way to get seatalk data transposed to NMEA to use freely on the data ports of the furuno.

this wraps up my actual project - thanks to a quick help from johnny i was able to complete it.
i hope this full info helps others getting their furuno talking with the rest of the boat.
bernd, sv-mau
st.maarten, dec. 2013
I'm looking at replicating this to connect my vhf to the furuno GPS signal and support plotting positions received via DSC -thankfully, don't have anything using data 4.

My vhf only has a single lead for nmea in and another for nmea out. Will this work if I just connect the white lead to my vhf nmea in and the blue lead (rd_td) to my vhf nmea out?
No, you must have two wire connection with both RS422 and RS323 NMEA. I think if you look at the radio connection, they are using a negative someplace. Since Data 4 is special RS232 for a PC, you will need a level converter or Use the White (+) and Cable Shield (-). If you use that connection, you can never connect up any other listeners other than this one radio. This is because you are basically jumping levels without a proper level converter. I will work okay if this is all you need connected.
Thanks, Johnny!

The radio is an Icom-m422. After looking closer at the diagram, this might be my misread of it. It looks like they have wires paired in the diagram upon closer inspection. I'm going to have to add a C to the classic RTFM to make it include "carefully."

Do you have any recommendations on where I can source the cable and level converter? I couldn't find them on the furuno site.
The 7 pin NMEA data cable for data port 4 is part number 000-154-028. (Can order from any Furuno dealer)
Level converters are available from many companies but because your ports are limited, you might consider a Noland Engineering XP15 NMEA expander which will also work for you as a level converter. This way you have some additional outputs if you decide to connect up something else.