Is there a sounder (BBFF1, DFF1) connected to your display or are you just getting this message randomly? Please tell us more about your complete system so we can help you get to the bottom of this issue. If you do have a sounder connected, please disconnect it and try starting your RDP with the sounder diconnected to see what you get. If you don't have a sounder connected and it still gives you this error you may need to do a master reset on the display. Please let us know what you find.
I have a 27 Polar WA, Twin Yamaha 150's. I have Navnet VX2 GD-1920C, 1954C Radar, ETR-6/10 sounder,M260 transducer(possibly R199) and a GPS antenna. What is a RDP?
Sorry. The RDP149 is your 10.4" GD1920C display. This RDP149 name is found on the back of the 1920C display serial number tag. The ETR-6/10 is also known as a BBFF1 sounder. Now that we know you have the BBFF1 connected, what happens when you power up your GD1920C with the BBFF1 not connected? Do you still get the "ETR Cut" error?
I have not been able to get this error message with the boat on the trailer at home. We had the boat out for four days fishing a couple weeks ago. First two days great. Third day after about 3 hours got message and it started re-booting. I unplugged the BBFF1 trying to get a GPS fix after leaving unit off for about 5 minutes. It worked long enough to see where I was and needed to head to then got message and started to re-boot. Fourth day took arout an hour to start getting message and re-booting. I could still turn it off for 5-10 mins and get a GPS fix for about 1 min. Having thge BBFF1 disconnected did not help.
There are two possible ways to correct this. I'll give you the easiest way first:
Power up your GD1920C Display and follow these steps:
Go to the Sounder Screen
Choose MENU
This will clear the BBFF1.
If for any reason you still get the ETR/Cut error, please try the following:
Remove the three cables from the BBFF1.
Remove the cover of the BBFF1.
Move the jumper on Jumper J8 from pins 1&2 (the default location) to pins 7&8 (pins on the far right).
Connet the 3 pin power cable.
Keep power connected for at least 60 seconds.
After 60 seconds remove the power cable.
Move jumper from pins 7&8 back to pins 1&2.
Re-install cover on BBFF1.
Re-connect power, transducer and network cables on BBFF1.
Power up your GD1920C and check to see that your sounder screen is working normally.
Please let us know if you need further help. I do believe this should clear up your error.
Thanks very much. I will try the things you suggested. Unfortunately it will be a month or three before I get to fish again. Again "THANK YOU" , I will let you know when I know.