Variable range marker question ?



Hi could anyone out there please tell me how to check if there is any error in the variable range marker , as this is the last question i need to answer to gain my skippers licence.
My answer was plot the vessels position and measure the distance to a fixed target and see if the marker is displaying the same distance,but this is a wrong answer,i have googled it and asked a couple of furuno technitions but no answer yet , any ideas ?
Could the answer possibly involve using the EBL to check the bearing also?
Just a guess.
Melville":1fq96xmi said:
Could the answer possibly involve using the EBL to check the bearing also?
Just a guess.
I did try" using the cursor to give me the distance" but that was wrong also , and as the cursor is used to give EBL i imagine that will be a no too,thanks all the same.