TZ2BB AIS limit??


Furuno Fan
How many AIS targets is the TZ2BB capable of displaying? I checked the manual and couldn’t find a maximum number. My Furuno FA150 AIS seems to be maxing out at 80 targets but my N2K network has additional targets coming in across the internet. I’m in a crowded anchorage and the furthest target in the AIS list is only 2.5nm away while my class A unit usually picks up targets 10-15nm away. I suspect the TZ2BB is filtering out AIS targets beyond a certain limit. What is that limit?
The TZT2BB can show up to 100 targets. In the Targets menu you can tell the TZT2BB to ignore targets moving slower than a set speed. That may be filtering out some of your local targets.
Thanks for confirming. I’m in a very crowded anchorage (400 boats w/300 AIS targets within 3-4nm) so this explains why I’m only seeing a subset. For clarification, the “ignore AIS targets slower than” setting is only for alarms, is that correct? I have my ignore slow targets set to 0.5 knots and the boat anchored next to me is still showing on the screen.
My understanding is that it will not show the targets. If your neighbor is a Class B AIS, it may not be report the speed properly or at all. I will have one of our team members check this the next time that they are on the water.