FR-10 Display - Vesper XB8000 AIS


New member
I have just installed a new DRS4D-NXT connected to a FR-10 Display. That works fine. I am now trying to get AIS to display on the FR-10. Initially I connected the FR-10 directly into the existing NMEA2000 network. I could then see all the normal data except AIS contacts on the FR-10. When I turned on the AIS function on the FR-10 I got the “506 AIS COM ERROR” alarm. The AIS data into the NMEA200 backbone is provided by a Vesper XB8000.

I then read the FR-10 manual and it appears that the FR-10 only reads a select batch of PGN’s and from my reading. That does not included any AIS PGNs. I then connected the 0183 output from the XB8000 directly onto NMEA Port 1 of the FR-10 and I can now see AIS targets displayed with the associated information. However I still get a “506 AIS COM ERROR” alarm which triggers the FR-10 audio alarm. The AIS targets continue to display on the FR-10 and it looks like it is working
I can view the 0183 output of the XB8000 and verify that the unit is sending. I can also view the the data received by the FR-10. It appears that the FR-10 is not updating the data as quickly.
I suspect that is causing the “506 AIS COM ERROR”

Both the Vesper XB800 AIS and the FR-10 are set at 34800 Baud and a separate Opencpn install has no issues with the 0183 AIS data feed from the XB8000.
What have I missed here?

Thank you
Do you have position and heading data input to the radar? Heading is required so the radar knows exactly where to lay the target in relation to your given position.
Thank you for the response. Just to be absolutely sure what is happening here. I have gone back and tested again.

As per your question re Heading Data. Yes displayed in both cases

1:- Direct connection of NMEA 2000 from the Raymarine backbone to FR-10. NMEA 0183 disconnected. FR-10 will display ships Lat & Long in the Nav Box, plus Heading plus TTG and Lat & Long for the cursor. The COM ERROR 506 occurs within about 30 seconds of the FR-10 finishing boot.
After 10 minutes no AIS info is displayed and COM ERROR 506 keeps repeating.

2: NMEA 0183 connected- 2000 disconnected. Displays all the data from as 1: along with AIS data. Seems slower that Opencpn to acquire all the AIS data but does eventually. AIS COM ERROR 506 appears and reoccurs after being cleared but seems to take maybe 90 seconds to come on initially. Even with the error the FR-10 still continues to show the live AIS data.

I also looked at the devices registering on the 2000 network. The Vesper XB8000 AIS is visible with details. There is one other device on the network that does not show details initially just a blank slot among the entries. However if you click on it it shows “Manufacturers Product Code 27530” with no other details. If the FR-10 is turned off that device does not appear. I take it that is the FR-10

While 1:- & 2:- are displayed. AIS is running on Opencpn literally side by side and connected to the same 0183 feed.

I would accept 2:- if I can get rid of the COM ERROR 506.
To shut that up I have turned off the Unit Audio Alarm which shuts all audio for alarms off. It also leaves the COM ERROR 506 Alarm Dialogue box blocking display of Ships position and L&L for Cursor etc.

Thank you
From what I am told the initial version of software only supports AIS by 0183, so you want to use that method. You don't want to feed duplicate data via both types of inputs. According to the manual 506 error is the communications from the AIS transponder is being interrupted. You might want to check with Vesper but many of their devices use RS232 PC NMEA levels instead of the standard RS422. You might need to get an RS232 to RS422 level converter to put in between your Vesper and the FR10. The FR10 uses the NMEA.ORG certified RS422 levels.
Further to the original post. I am still stuck with the 506 Error. Vesper XB8000 does output RS422.
You mentioned previously that there was possibly a firmware update in the pipeline to allow the FR10 to take AIS data via NMEA2000. I have been looking but to date see no recent updates. Could you please confirm - no new firmware?

There have been a couple of recent updates to the software in the last few weeks. If you need software now, it can be obtained directly from Tech support. It will be posted under the product page with instructions within the next two weeks after a dealer bulletin goes out informing dealers of the changes and software becoming available .
This is a follow up to the original post. Hopefully it may save others a huge amount of wasted time.

In the interim period since the first post. I have tried to establish what is causing the continual AIS COM ERROR 506 error. After months and months of reconfiguring the network, reflashing firmware etc etc. I have now found the issue is RFI from an adjacent LCD display.

The FR10 was purchased to replace a ailing display and radome from another manufacturer. While that old Radar system worked, displayed 0183 without errors etc. That Display had failing polarising film and the Magnetron had very high hours, spares were not available. The FR10 Display was purchased specifically because it would fit in the existing cut-out at the Nav console. So the FR10 is now installed exactly where the old display was mounted which is alongside the LCD display mentioned and shares the same power and data cable as the old radar display.

How do I draw the conclusion that there is RFI from the LCD?
I have run 3 x 12hour tests with the whole Nav system and Radar powered up including the monitor but with the VGA cable disconnected from the monitor at the monitor. For each of those 3 x 12hour test there were no AIS COM ERROR 506 alarms. However as soon as the VGA cable is connected to the monitor. Within two minutes the AIS COM ERROR 506 alarms start. I am open to other suggestions as to what may be the cause.

The other issue with this situation is. If after a AIS COM ERROR 506 displays you turn off the audio alarm and continue to use the unit which will still display the Radar image and AIS targets it slowly attenuates the AIS targets displayed so that after about 90 minutes only very close AIS targets will be displayed.

To recap. The old display had zero issues with RFI the FR10 can not function in the same location