"Rudder Driver Error" on NAVPilot-511


When doing my Rudder Test in Dockside set-up, my rudders (twin outboards) Start from straight ahead, then go for a Starboard Turn, then it swings back to straight ahead and stops. Then I see "Rudder Driver Error".

I see this error after I performed the air bleed port and starboard. Hmmm.

Any suggestions as to what to check?

Perhaps my Rudder Reference Indicator died? Or the wires are faulty somewhere? Or?
Doing some research, I think I need to set up my Rudder Reference Unit (RRU) as "Linear" and not rotary.

I have the Teleflex AR4102 installed (Small black box) on my outboards.

Maybe this is what is causing the Rudder Driver Error.

I will try this later today...
Tried setting it as "Linear" in the RRU selection and am still getting the error code "Rudder Driver Error"

I repeatedly start the Rudder Test from straight ahead, then the engines go for a full Starboard Turn, then the engines swing back to straight ahead and stop. Then I see "Rudder Driver Error" and hear the alarm for this.

Do you think I need a new rudder reference unit? The AR4102 is what I had originally.
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I continue to talk to myself on this Autopilot "Forum"

Do any of you Experts have an opinion on my "Rudder Driver Error" condition?
Hello Hmbjack, Happy New Year!. Our offices have been closed for the observed holiday.
Yes, yes the AR4102 is a Linear outboard RRU and not a rotary inboard sensor. The 511 is not a new pilot by a long stretch what do you know about its history? Have you confirmed that Jumper JP-2 is setup for outboard (pin 1 and 2) as outlined in the installation manual? Was the dockside setup done prior to attempting the rudder test? If you look at the rudder degrees on the display as you manually move the helm (port and starboard) does the rudder degrees change smoothly each direction?
Thank you for the reply. Makes perfect sense now that you guys are on Holiday break!

I am set-up for RRU Linear and so far no improvement.

I will check today but I am confident Jumper JP-2 is set-up for outboard (pin 1 and 2) since my Pilot worked perfectly since the boat was new in 2006. Nothing has changed or been tampered with since then.

As to the Dockside Set-up, yes, I was in that mode and progressing through the selections. When I got to the Rudder Test, the display said to put the helm at center and execute the Rudder test. This is when the Pilot turned the engines to a full starboard turn, stopped and came back to center helm and stopped. It was at this time I got the "Rudder Driver Error".

"If you look at the rudder degrees on the display as you manually move the helm (port and starboard) does the rudder degrees change smoothly each direction?" <<<<< Not sure but I will check today. Last week, Clayton (from Furuno Tech Support) advised me when doing the Air Bleed process with the left and right arrows, that this is key to all of this. My Pilot does this just fine. It just gets hung up in the Rudder Test. This is why I'm thinking my RRU is faulty. I did a visual check of the rod, magnet and connections at the outboard end and didn't see anything out of whack there. There was some excess grease back there from my Yamaha Trim Tilt hinges but it didn't seem to be on the magnet or rod.
If you can run the air bleeding, the pump and pump drive seem fine as Clayton advised. It most likely relates to the RRU. If you don't get rudder display movement when using the helm at STBY, then the RRU would appear to be broken.
Roger that and thank you.

I will check this closely today. So far, all indicators are pointing to a faulty RRU. I have already ordered a new unit.
The Black Box of the RRU in the boat is in a semi wet/damp location. Perhaps 16 years of moisture affected it...
Not sure about that model of AP.. But your rudder indicator display should show the actual rudder position if the RRU is working OK. If you are turning and the AP does not indicate that the rudder position has changed, then for sure, the RRU is either not setup, disconnected, or broken.

I've only seen that error on newer APs when AP electricity is on, but there are no systems to actually move the rudder (engine and associated hydraulic pump are off)
Thank you guys for taking the time to comment and help me out on this.

I went back to the boat and while in Stand By, turning the rudder left and right shows no read-out on my display.

It stays at Zero degrees (see below) when I turn the wheel.

So... Thanks to your guidance, I think I have determined my 16 year old RRU needs to be replaced. :)

This same thing happened to us with a 13 year old unit. We replaced the existing teleflex linear outboard rudder reference stick and the boat was perfect all the way out for 50 miles on auto pilot and then a little bit of trolling and then it starting acting strange and giving us rudder angle errors and by the end of the day we lost all degrees shown on the unit. It was stuck and showing 30 degrees starboard for a while and then we just lost all degrees on it. Why would a new rudder reference stick wake up the autopilot for 60 or so miles and then have the same problem come right back?