Problem downloading Furuno RDP139 to PC


New member
I have 3 Furuno's RDP139 and have been trying on and off for years trying to download the waypoints unsuccessfully. I followed the manual procedure's , 2.3 How to connect to PC and 6,2 uploading & downloading data. I am afraid of losing the data as the machines are obsolete. Later on I will hopefully would like to download it to a Furuno GP1971-F unit. When I try to download the data , the Furuno says data is sent but I can not find it on the pc. My guess is that the PC is not receiving the data. Is there special software needed to download the waypoints? Is there PC computer settings that need to be implemented? You advise is deeply appreciated. Thank you.
The old NN1 and Vx2 have the ability to dump points in basic ascii to a PC (RSR232 signal level) . The GP1971F is not designed to accept PC level RS232 data. Normally it would be taken to a VX2 and then save the points to an SD card or take it to a serial port on a PC (RS232 9 pin normally) and dump it to a PC. The PC would need software to catch and convert data. This is normally a program like GPS utilities or Seamarks (by Andren software).
Most Furuno dealers and the service center have abilities to pull out the points for a fee. You might want to check with your local Furuno dealer.
Thank you all especially Johnny Electron. I was able to download all 3 Furuno RDP139 successfully. Now I will work on uploading the data to the Furuno GP1971F. Once again, thank You!