RDP-139 Connections

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Good morning, let's see if someone can help me. In the Data port 2 of my RDP-139 I receive a GPS signal from a non-Furuno antenna, I have the Data port 1 free, in the data port 3 I have connected a cable to send GPS position via nmea to a Furuno FCV-600 probe and to an ST-6001 pilot, on data port 4 I have a cable to send and receive waypoints from the PC with the Furuno or North software, do I have it connected correctly?
If it is not correct, where should I connect the GPS antenna, the coordinate output and the input/output to the PC?
Thanks a lot.
On a RDP-139 DATA 3 is ONLY for a HEADING sensor input ONLY. It might appear to be working but problems can and most likely will arise with data dropping out.

You can interface the PC only on DATA 4. it has a RS232C send data (SD), receive data (RD), and signal ground (SG). If the PC does not have a 9-pin DSUB-9 serial port connector on it, then use a RS232C to USB adapter to make the connection.

You can use DATA 1 to receive as well as to transmit NMEA data.

You can use DATA 2 to receive as well as to transmit NMEA data.

To answer more directly, usually the GPS input is connected to DATA PORT 1 or 2. The connection to the FCV-600 and the ST-6001 can be made using DATA 1 or 2. When it comes to NMEA0183 just keep it to....1 TALKER (Transmit data) and up to 2 LISTENERS (receive data).
Good afternoon, thank you very much for the information but I cannot transfer data between devices. I have attached an image in case you can tell me what colors I have to connect to each cable to be able to transfer data.
I want to send coordinates through data port 1 of the RDP-139 to FCV-600l and send depth from the FCV-600l to the RDP-139 (data port 1)
Captura de pantalla 2023-10-30 183042.png
Thank you so much
Good morning, I have created this image of the connections, is it correct?
6 pin 7 pin.jpg
Translation of the colors (they are in Catalan - Barcelona)
Groc is Yellow
Verd is Green
Blanc is white
Negre is black
Vermell is Red
Blau is Blue

The wiring looks GOOD, except no need to connect the grounds (malla) nor the Ext. Buzzer (Negre).
Good afternoon, thank you for everything.
I have connected the black cable (FCV600L) to the blue (RDP-139) and the white (FCV600L) to the white (RDP-139) and I already receive coordinates to the FCV600L. If I want to send depth from the FCV600L to the RDP-139, do I have to connect green to green and yellow to yellow?
Regards and thank you.
Can you give me a the MJ alphanumeric code on the 6-pin cable? Pins 1 and 2 on a FCV600L is the output from the sounder. The input to the FCV600L is pins 3 and 4.
The 6-pin cable is very short and does not have the code.
If I receive coordinates through pin 3 and 4 of the sounder, then to send depth I will have to connect pin 1 and 2 of the sounder to the RDP-139 but I don't know which pins of the RDP-139.
Thank you Titanic II
I missed the wrong colors when I looked at your diagram, sorry.

The OUTPUT from the FCV600L (water depth and temp) to the RDP139 is pins 1 and 2 .

FCV600L ---------------------------------------------> RDP139 Data 1
WHITE ---------------------------------------------> YELLOW
BLACK ---------------------------------------------> GREEN

The INPUT to the FCV600L (GPS) is pins 3 and 4
FCV600L <----------------------------------------------RDP139 Data 1
YELLOW -<---------------------------------------------WHITE
GREEN <-------------------------------------------------BLUE



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Thank you very much Titanic II, I'll try it tomorrow.
This forum is incredible, I always have answers to my questions and the answers are very professional, you are incredible.
I have an RDP-139 and a ETR-6/10N unit for the depth sounder. I want to get the depth info from the Furuno system onto a N2K network. Do you know how to get NMEA data out of the RDP-139?
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