Port 2 connection?

I recently installed a mfd12. I have the gps 320b connected to data 1 and a 6/10 sounder connected to the network. I am trying to hook up my ComNav 1420 auto pilot. The auto pilot has two wires to connect to the Mfd12. I used the red wire and the brown wire from Data2 for port 2. I connected the red to the return and the brown to the signal. Ran the install wizard and it didn’t recognize the autopilot. Anything I’m missing?
You are taking one wire from the Data 2 output and one wire from the Data 2 input. That isn't correct. To drive an autopilot you should send over the two output wires from the Display. If using data 2 it would be Red (+) and Red/White (-).
Thanks Johnny. One more question...Does it matter which wire goes to the signal wire and which one goes to the return wire of the autopilot? Thanks
(+) out of the NavNet should go to (+) input of the pilot. (-) neg out of the NavNet goes to the (-) neg IN on the pilot.