Navnet VX2 - xfer Waypoints from Garmin and Software update

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Hi - I am looking for any advice on the following items:

1. Transferring way points from my Garmin 4212 to NavNet VX2 1934C

I use my Garmin plotter as the primary navigation device and currently keep all software up to date as well as way points and routes. I can download all of my way points / routes to an SD card without issue (I use a 2GB SD Card). I would like to know if there is some way to convert the Garmin data to an upload format that Furuno would recognize? If so, how - what are the steps?

2. SD Card compatibility for the NavNet VX2 1934C

When I attempt to use the same SD Card mentioned above (2GB SD Card) in the VX2, the machine locks up. This is true even if I attempt to transfer way point data from the VX2 to the card. I am thinking its a format issue? Any advice would be appreciated.

3. Software update for the NavNet VX2 1934C

I have not updated the software in the VX2 since I bought the unit (Sep 2010). While I have no noticeable issues, I would like to keep it up to date. Where can I find a simple set of instructions to download the latest and upload accordingly?

Thanks all in advance
Capt. Kev -
Grand Slam
I would recommend software to convert your point information on your PC between the two systems. The Vx2 support upto a 2GB sd card (no bigger) that is formated FAT/FAT16. Points take very little space.

The Vx2 is easily updated with software and instructions (using 2GB or less SD card) from our web site. You will find the software listed under the Software tab of the product. ie. If you have a 1944C/NT, search using the model number and bring up the product. Under the photo of the product you will see Parts, Accessories, Manuals and Documents, and Software. It is under the Software tab. It is highly recommended to update the unit. current software for the Vx2 is 4.01 for Navionics units and 4.03 for the C-map programmed units.
I am looking for any advice to help me solve the following:
We have few Furuno 1724C/NT Navnet vx2 units. We use C-MAP NT MAX SD cards. I am unable to transfer the routes prepared with PC-Planner version 11.0.4 to the Furuno units via SD-card. But I was able to transfer data (route) from one Furuno Navnet unit to another Furuno Navnet unit.
The units were bought in 2007 and no update was made since then.
Thanks in advance.
NB: see attached data file(route from PC-Planner)
PC Planner is a product of C-map/Jeppesen. You might speak with them and see what they can offer. 1-888-316-7275 (9 AM - 5 PM EST)