navnet VX2 C-map NT Max

  • Thread starter Thread starter Art35Cabo
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To start this -I have read just about every question and answer to try to get ahead of the curve
I purchased a 35 Cabo last fall
it came with dual side by side display units RDP-149's
Ser NO 4326-1518 and 4326-1890
From the Furuno support page I updated the unit which now reads
The Radar works... depth finder works.. C-map does not work
I a pretty sure the previous owner did nothing. It was used on the east coast, I had it shipped out here to the West Coast and live a very short distance to your Camas Washington location.
So, question--just how old is this unit?
I see your comments regarding the internal battery.
If I need to take it to Camas, what parts of the device do I need to take in? It will be a royal pain to have to take the units out of the dash..

I see some comments relating to the C-map chips... replacing the chips caused the unit to work..
should this be the first thing I do?
When I run the diagnostics on first unit with the SD card in the reader.. Card Slot : NG (create}
in the second unit 'card slot' : reads OK.. but still does not bring up the map

Any advice is appreciated..
Thanks Art
From the Furuno support page I updated the unit which now reads

So you updated the unit to the newest Navionics version? That pretty much explains why C-map doesn't read. It is programmed for one chart type and won't read both types. Yours being Navionics is looking for a Navionics map. If you contact Furuno support they can hook you up with conversion software if you wish to convert to C-map. One of your units is from 2005 and the other is from 2006. (Both which are CCFL backlight type)
Johnny thank your for the response
I was thinking from the support page updates were for C-map.. well back to the drawing boards
I don't think I have upgraded past version 4.01 and that seemed to be programed all reflected c-map
I will try to get to the support help and request the conversion software. it's not on line someplace?
Appreciate you assistance.
I am still learning..
one display on the front indicates NAVNET VX2 NAVIONICS GOLD
the second unit indicates NAVNET VX2 C-MAP NT MAX
when I ran the sys config both units provide program no. 195002304.01
with the c-map card in the card reader the Navionics side gave me a 'ok' in the "card slot" field. the C-MAP display gave me a "NG (Create)" response with same card.
however the C-MAP display did run the upgrade files...

I contacted support as advised.
Software posted on the website is more automated and only updates whatever type of software to the newest. If programmed Navionics it will only update it to the newest (4.01). If programmed C-map it will update it to the newest (4.03). To convert a unit it requires special software that is more risky to post publicly so it is reserved for service center, tech support and dealers. Tech support should give you what you need.
Support group was terrific.. After I gave them the correct unit they got to me the conversion SW .. however, the C-MAP program did not load all the details when I opened it.. does not show the details..
I am thinking there is some switch that is missing.. here is a screen shot If I did it correctly..

Any ideas what may be happening
I am considering taking C-MAP card back to Rogers and get a replacement.


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Art35Cabo":1zcc1ky1 said:
Any ideas what may be happening
I am considering taking C-MAP card back to Rogers and get a replacement.

That's a pretty good idea, maybe if Rogers has a VX2 C/NT version they could test it in that box to see if on a native C-MAP VX2 box, does the plotter render the chart files.

- Maggy
It doesn't seem to be reading the map. It could be a card reader or a chart card issue. I would recommend checking that the card is a C-Map MAX. It can't be a monster card that covers the entire USA because that isn't compatible. It should be no more than the East Coast or West coast coverage.
I can confirm that it is a C-MAP MAX for the West Coast. Maggy thanks for your note
I was hoping that there would be a switch to turn on that I missed that would bring up the map details
The hopeful try is to stop by Rogers and see if they have a unit to test the card in and/or just swap me with a new one
Report back in a couple of days
thanks again
Maggy-- no the unit doesn't show the files on the SD card, I only see them on my laptop
Art35Cabo":1n05y6bu said:
Maggy-- no the unit doesn't show the files on the SD card, I only see them on my laptop

Double check the model of your unit, a RDP-138 is a NavNet 1 and not a VX2, C-Map NT Max on a SD Card will not work on this. The RDP-148 is a VX2. Our recommendation is go see your dealer, likely Rogers has some direction that could help assist you with this situation.

Hope this helps, :sail

- Maggy
Well, have an update from yesterday.. First if I can, the folks at Rogers Marine go out if their way to help.
I called them yesterday morning and Marty came to the boat as he did not have a unit to put the card into at the shop..
what we discovered was the card was not working. So he is ordering a new one.. Give you all an update when the new card arrives.
the new C-Map card did the trick. Thanks to everyone
C-map sent a new card. Put it in my unit with all the updates and is now running perfectly.
That's fantastic news! :jump :jump

Glad to hear C-MAP still supporting the classic VX2s and that current charts still can be easily used on these.

Hope you enjoy your Furuno this summer, :sail

- Maggy