Navnet 3D and BBWX3 - no weather data


Furuno Fan
I recently added a BBWX3 to my Navnet 3D system (running 1950064-2.13) and added a Sirius Marine subscription. On the BBWX3 device the antenna light is solid green (using SRA50), the network is a flashing green light (which I presume indicates it’s receiving data) and the power light is a solid amber, audio is not lit as I’m not using the audio. I’ve left the MFDBB on for several hours and had Sirius send a refresh signal twice but still don’t get any weather info overlaid on my charts. I’ve enabled all weather options using the rotokey. The MFDBB is showing the weather icon on the top of the display and this icon was X-out before I connected the BBWX3 so the MFDBB is recognizing the device. I’ve confirmed twice the ESN number on the device matches my Sirius subscription.

I’m not sure if I have a hardware issue or a Sirius network issue. Anyone have any suggestions on how to isolate what the problem is?
ok no forum support but finally figured out. I had my mfd12 and dff1 connected to my hub101 which had power synchronization turned on. Obviously the bbwx3 didn't like this. I connected the bbwx3 directly to the mfdbb to a port with no power synchronization and am now receiving weather data. Posting to share if anyone else experiences this issue.
Great you found it. Thanks for sharing. If you ever have an urgent issue, please contact the official tech support via phone (or website under SUPPORT - ASK A QUESTION). The forum is lower priority and designed to users to help users a bit. Those of us from the company who volunteer our time here, find less time to give during peak boating season, so it take time to get an answer on the forum. Great job finding the solution. :jump
I have my Sirius Marine weather operating but can’t figure out how to see the wind/wave forecasts. I subscribed to the offshore package since it gives forecast up to 48 hours into the future versus the coastal plan which is 3 hours into the future. The price difference between the two plans is fairly large but worth it if I can see forecasts to 48 hours.

I’ve looked through the manual but can’t see how I view the forecast. Any help?
Animation Overlay
This overlay displays predicted wind, waves, or barometer information for a three-day
period in three-hour intervals. (limited to subscription) The source for this overlay can be US NOWRAD or CAN NOWRAD. Select the source with [Weather Radar] on the [Weather-Sirius]
menu. Long-push the RotoKey, select [Animate] then push the RotoKey to activate
or deactivate the animation overlay. Because you have 48 hours covered by your subscription in 3 hour intervals it will offer about 16 steps of animation. It depends on how much the weather is changing how much you see a difference as it plays. 16 frames will go pretty quick.
Johnny, ok thanks got it to work. As you say the 16 steps go by pretty fast and it’s hard to decipher between the different steps. Is there anyway to see the 16 steps in a table format or to step through the animation one step at a time?

Short of this the Sirius marine forecasting is almost worthless as it makes voyage planning very difficult. With PredictWind I can see the 7 day forecast in table format.
No there is no table unless Sirius/XM can offer you one. Forecasting is pretty weak with Sirius but don't forget that the units have free NavCenter Weather that can provide forecasting of up to 16 days. Sirius strong point is live data and NavCenter strong point is forecasting.