ios app using multiple iPads

It depends on how you mean by different and what you are trying to see. Yes it is possible to connect two (up to five I think) wi-fi devices up to each TZT2 MFD. You can run only one REMOTE App (which offers a mirror image of the TZT2 screen). You can run the Control app (that doesn't let you see anything [ only controls like a remote mouse ]). You can run the VIEWER app. The Viewer app will let you setup data box and gauge information being fed from the TZT2. It will also let you see the sounder screen data scroll (but no control). If you mean can you see completely different screens (other than data boxes and sounder) than what your TZT2 is currently showing; no. This might be possible with the new TZT2BB coming out soon but I am not sure yet.