Furuno fcv 628 tranducer help

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Good day,
I just bought a new fcv 628 for a small fishing boat 30x10 ft .
I gonna fish shallow reefs and banks up to 200 ft but occasionally i wanna go out to about 600-800 ft. Ive read the post about the one kw transducer but im interested in a 600w. I want the rezboost, accufish and any other feature the device has so what would be the best 600w transducer for me?
Thanks in advance

Would it be possible to supply a little more information regarding on how the transducer will be utilized..?

a. Are you looking for a through hull transducer, or transom mount transducer..?

b. What is the construction of your vessel, and is it a Planning, Semi-Planning, or Displacement Hull..?

- Deep Blue
Yes im looking for a through hull transducer the vessel is fiberglass its a slow hull fishing boat mostly gonna be running around 7-8 knots

A few more questions, as I am trying gauge how you plan to use your FCV628 to it's full potential:

a. Are you interested in utilizing the Bottom Discrimination feature..?

b. And will the vessel ever be transported by a trailer..?

- Deep Blue
Deep Blue,

The boat will be transported the one time when i launch it by trailer after that it will stay in the ocean till it needs dry dock. Do you guys sell a 600w transducer that does it all? By all i mean rezboost accufish and bottom discrimination if so then yes i want the whole combo
Also it has to be strong enough to go around 800 ft for occasional deep dropping. If i have to do without the bottom discrimination to get the depth i need then no problem i can manage without it.

Maybe you would consider having the transducer installed right before you launch the boat off the trailer..? But I would take serious look at these two following transducers:

520-5MSD 600 Watt 50/200 Khz Bronze Thur-Hull Transducer with a 10-Pin Connector. It supports Bottom Discrimination, RezBoost, and ACCU-Fish.

- OR -

525T-BSD 600 Watt 50/200Khz Bronze Thur-Hull Transducer (with Temp) and a 10-Pin Connector. It also supports Bottom Discrimination, RezBoost, and ACCU-Fish functions.

Both these transducers should give you the best features that the FCV628 has to offer, but would depend on if you can fit one of these transducers in the right location on the vessel's hull..

- Deep Blue :)
Deep Blue,

Thank you for your prompt replies. I have one more question, i have the option to get the 525STID-MSD right now for a bargain. I see its a bit more expensive than the other two you've mentioned does this mean it does all the other things and more or is this transducer not as good as the ones you mentioned?
Thanks again.

If the 525TID-MSD will fit the hull on your vessel, then I would absolutely use that one. It supports ACCU-Fish, Bottom Discrimination, and RezBoost capabilities.

Good Luck,

Deep Blue - :D