FCV-800 - and heave compensation - how should bottom look like ?


New member
I have installed new FCV-800 and it’s connected to SCX 21.
Does anybody have pictures what it looks like when heave compensation is activated. Manual is poor on info about heave compensation.
When I select Chirp + BL ( TM185HW) which I assume it means Bottom Leveling and I assume that is when heave compensation is activated . Bottom becomes like a flat line that does not show any spikes or any real bottom structure . It’s dead flat but it shows fish. I don’t know if my unit shows this correctly as I imagined that you will be able to see real bottom structure and pinnacles. During BL bottom is flat but depth changes as waves go up and down. That is bit confusing.
I did not take photo when BL is selected.
But unit for sure gets data from SCX via 0183 as it shows on screen when selected the test.
Any help please


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“BL” is bottom lock, not bottom level. It has nothing to do with heave compensation. Go to your system settings menu and make sure heave compensation is turned on.

When the heave compensation is enabled, the bottom detail should be about the same as when it is off except that you will not see changes due to the wave action. In steep waves, that will look like a sort of saw tooth bottom line.
Thank you ! I see - it means bottom lock.
I tried everything but bottom of ocean looked pretty much the same as on FCV 588 (TM260) .
I did connect FCV 800 to 3rd output port on SCX 21 by enabling that output on GP39 and setting correct baud rate . So I used only two wires to connect to FCV 800 same as I did with GP1971F which also recieves data from SCX which works. Only GP 39 has read and write connected ( 4 wires ) .
I hope that was correct
So I am not sure what may be wrong. It’s either not reading heave data or it’s somthing else.
Yes , I did play a lot , tried everything. What I noticed comparing FCV 800 and GP1971 when you check data flow on 0183 . GP1971 has data constantly changing ( filling the screen all the time with different numbers and letters ) . FCV 800 when that function is selected ( test) it fills the screen with data but once screen is filled all data stays same unchanged , so not sure if that means anything.
I can only play with this in Feb when I go again to ocean.
I am also not sure if any software updates are needed for FCV 800 , I got this unit which was one of first units that was released in Australia. I am in South Africa by the way.
I think you complicated your life by getting an SCX-21 instead of the NMEA 2000 SCX-20 version. I am curious why you chose it. Being a new product, the FCV-800 was designed around NMEA2000. I don't think the heave correction function will work unless the NMEA 2000 heave PGN is provided to the FCV-800 over NMEA2000 based on what I can see in the manual. It does not seem to be able to use the 0183 heave sentence to apply the correction. My experience is with using an SCX-20 to provide heave compensation data, which works very well and is quite apparent on the sounder display when active.

If your are stuck with the SCX-21 and cannot exchange it for an SCX-20, your only solution may be to get a NMEA0183 to NMEA2000 bridge such as the Furuno IFNMEA2K2 and convert the 0183 heave data sentence to a NMEA2000 PGN.

This is probably a question that only Furuno technical support can answer.

What do you fish for in South Africa?
According to this it should work . Maybe my software version is older .
What we have on east coast of SA. Black blue and striped ,Sails , Dorado , Couta , Hoo ,Snoek, YFT and lot of bottom spieces too . But lately lot less fish comes out comparing like it was 15-20 years ago. So you have to travel further and use more fuel and have better electronics to find fish . Why I bought FCV 800 was purely not to watch anymore that seesaw bottom on FCV 588 or GP1971 . We fish often in 1.6 - 2.3m sea , where often a freak wave gets to 3m - and with 8-14 sec period. When we see that negative swell added to positive goes above 2m - we turn back towards shallows or harbour if very rough. I love having GP39 for that feature.
The manual is somewhat contradictory on the question of using the NMEA 0183 heave sentence. That's why I think you really need to get guidance from Furuno tech support directly. Either you have an issue in the output settings for the SCX-21 or there is something else going on that prevents the FCV-800 from performing the heaving corrections. I don't know how it works in South Africa but here in the US, we can call the tech support staff from the boat and they do a great job of reviewing the settings with you and identifying a problem "real time."

I have been out many times in 1-2 meter swells and short period waves too and the heave correct will smooth the bottom returns.

Unfortunately South Africa seems to have the same issue of overfishing from the huge pirate-like fleets of factory trawlers deployed by China and other countries that pillage the pelagic fish. The US does a reasonably good job of protecting its waters out to the 200 mile limit but without our big Navy and Coast Guard, a country like South Africa is no match for the Chinese fleets.
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In South Africa at local agent that works together with Taylor’s Marine in Australia. I did not know it’s not available in USA yet . That is why I posted my issue here. I thought USA would be the first to get them and that you guys will have already good experience with it. But now I contacted local Furuno agent and they were absolutely superb. They phoned me immediately back with all answers and what to check - sent me all photos how to set and I just have to get all that done once I go fishing again in Feb. But so far I love FCV 800 as you can plug two transducers ( one Chirp and one CW in my case ) and chose which one to display. And once heave starts to work it will be a fantastic unit. Huge improvement from FCV 588
What data port of the SCx21 are you using to supply the FCV800 for heave compensation?

Did you program that data port to turn on the HVE NMEA0183 sentence? In a default configuration I don't believe the HVE sentence is turned on in all the ports.

Easy way to check is to view the NMEA0183 port monitor on the FCV800, you are looking for the following data sentence:

If you do not see this data sentence on the port monitor in the FCV800 then the SCx21 has not been programmed to output this feed.

You could also turn on a data box and show the heave value. We want to see numbers here not ---

If you do see the GPhve sentence, you will need to tell the FCV800 where to look for the data: Likely port 1

You will either need a GP39 or a RS422 to USB cable and use the SCtool to program the output port to turn on this sentence. I would recommend 25ms, you may have to turn off some other sentences if using 4800 baud, or you could switch to a 38,400 baud and tell your FCV800 to use 38,400 baud rate. We want to make sure that we are not using 100% load on the output port or data may be dropped.

Let us know what you find out about the data sentence.
What data port of the SCx21 are you using to supply the FCV800 for heave compensation?

Did you program that data port to turn on the HVE NMEA0183 sentence? In a default configuration I don't believe the HVE sentence is turned on in all the ports.

Easy way to check is to view the NMEA0183 port monitor on the FCV800, you are looking for the following data sentence:

If you do not see this data sentence on the port monitor in the FCV800 then the SCx21 has not been programmed to output this feed.

You could also turn on a data box and show the heave value. We want to see numbers here not ---

If you do see the GPhve sentence, you will need to tell the FCV800 where to look for the data: Likely port 1

You will either need a GP39 or a RS422 to USB cable and use the SCtool to program the output port to turn on this sentence. I would recommend 25ms, you may have to turn off some other sentences if using 4800 baud, or you could switch to a 38,400 baud and tell your FCV800 to use 38,400 baud rate. We want to make sure that we are not using 100% load on the output port or data may be dropped.

Let us know what you find out about the data sentence.
Thank you ! I did use port 3 from SCX21 and connected to port 1 on FCV800. I did set port 3 using GP39. It’s active and at 38400 baud. The FCV 800 does receive the data when in test . I did also select what input FCV 800 uses ( SC) and port 1
But I didn’t see the heave info on the display like it’s shown on the photo above.
So I for sure missed to do somthing . I will only be able to see that once I go again to my boat in mid February ( 650km away )
How is all connected
Scx port 1 read and write goes to GP39
Scx port 2 read only goes to GP1971F
Scx port 3 read only goes to FCV800 port 1
Ok, so you will need to confirm your wiring and double check your connections. If no data can be seen on the port monitor then heave compensation will not be active.

From the SCX21 Port 3: FCV800

You will need to program the FCV800 to use 38,400 baud rate, please double check.
Thank you C-Bass and others !
In my next reply - I did copy and paste what Furuno sent me ( and I did not do all of those settings looks like )
It can help others who may have same setup

1.) Wiring: Ensure correct wiring. Refer to attached drawing.

a. Port 1 is for GP39

b. For the FCV800, I would prefer to use PORT 2 if it’s not being currently used.

2.) In the GP39, go to Menu  I/O Setup  Port 2 (On this, make sure ONLY data that is required is output. It is very easy to overload Ports. If a Port is not used, turn off all outputs).

a. Format (NMEA0183 v4.1)

b. Talker: GP

c. Baud Rate: 38400

d. Sentences: (Note: below is the minimum required)

i. GNS (1Sec)

ii. GPatt (20msec)

iii. GPhve (20msec)

iv. VTG (1sec)

v. ZDA (1sec).

3.) In the FCV800 Menu  System  Network  NMEA0183 :

a. Set to baud to 38400.

b. Then check Port Monitor and see the NMEA data streaming in.

4.) In the FCV800 open Menu  System  Network  Data Source and set

a. SOG to Port 1

b. Heading Port 1

c. Position Port 1

d. Heave Port 1

Confirm Heave is present by turning on a Data Box and displaying heave. Menu  Data  Data Box One, set to Heave.

IMPORTANT – XYZ Settings must be done! (Note: the FCV800 is done differently than previous sounders. We used to just measure from the SC to the Transducer. Now, for both the SC and the TD, we measure from the bow.)

Refer to IME FCV600 FCV800 Ver23940A1 Page 41 Section 3.5 - HEAVE SENSOR SETTINGS (PDF Page 46)

1.) Accurately measure the physical position of the SCX21 from the BOW in metres or feet. Measure from Bow to Stern direction. Also, accurately measure the SCX21 from the Centre Line of the vessel. If the SCX21 is mounted on the Centre line (Port/Stbd), the values will be 0.

2.) Accurately measure the physical position(s) of the TRANSDUCER(S) from the BOW in metres. Also, accurately measure from the Centre line to the transducers. Again, if the Transducers are Centreline (Keel) the value will be 0. If the Transducers are mounted to Port, the value will be NEGATIVE. If the transducers are mounted to Starboard, the values will be POSITIVE. (a tip to Rember the colour red is negative… Port = Red so its negative).

3.) In the FCV800 open Menu  Calib  Heave Sensor Setting and set Heave Calib to ON.

a. Same menu  Heave Sensor Position (SC) and enter the SCX-21 Measurement values.

b. Same menu  XDR1 Position and enter the Transducer Measurement values.

c. Same menu  XDR2 Position and enter the Transducer Measurement values.

Once done, the Heave Compensation should smooth out the vessel movement from the echo.
Thank you ! I did use port 3 from SCX21 and connected to port 1 on FCV800. I did set port 3 using GP39. It’s active and at 38400 baud. The FCV 800 does receive the data when in test . I did also select what input FCV 800 uses ( SC) and port 1
But I didn’t see the heave info on the display like it’s shown on the photo above.
So I for sure missed to do somthing . I will only be able to see that once I go again to my boat in mid February ( 650km away )
How is all connected
Scx port 1 read and write goes to GP39
Scx port 2 read only goes to GP1971F
Scx port 3 read only goes to FCV800 port 1

"But I didn’t see the heave info on the display like it’s shown on the photo above."

You will need to set up your data box to show HEAVE in that top left. The FCV-800 has two customisable DATA BOXES

PRESS: MENU/ESC -> Data -> Data Box 1 -> Heave