FCV 588 with IF-NMEA2k2 converter


New member
I would like to connect my Furuno FCV-588 on the NMEA2000 network to interact with my Garmin 922XS and work with it.
The intention is to exchange coordinate information between them and score new points in Furuno and automatically transfer to Garmin 922XS.
I´ve got an IF-NMEA2k2 to convert NMEA0183 furuno FCV-588 to NMEA2000 network but it didn't work.
I connected IF-NMEA2k2 to a NMEA2000 networking powered by 12v from the boat and, the other side wired with Furuno with the connections: Pink(TDA) to Yellow(RDA) /// PINK (TDB) to Green(RDB) /// Blue(RD-B) to Blue(TDB) /// Blue(RDA) to White(TDA). In the Furuno I set NMEA 0183 version 2.0 or 3.0, NMEA Port = IN/OUT, NMEA Output = ON, Waas Setup = Off, TLl Output = TLL. But after making all this connection and setting up the equipment nothing works. In the MANUAL IF-NMEA2k2 says that the power LED flashes yellow when the box is powered, but nothing lights up when the box is connected to the NMEA2000 network.
Does someone can help me with this error? How can I test the box IF-NMEA2k2 to make sure is not damage?
Thanks in advance.
If the light is not flashing on the IF-NMEA2K2 then it is not getting power form the NMEA2000 network. Ensure that your NMEA 2000 connection is providing proper power to the IF-NMEA2K2. If it is providing power then you could contact your dealer to see about having them test it or send it in for evaluation.
Thanks for your reply.
The backbone is working correctly with other equipment, so the backbone is probably properly powered. I really worry if the equipment is damaged. Do you know how I can test and make sure it's not working properly without having to take it to an authorized dealer.
Thanks so much
Many power tees have two sets of power wires. One for the left side of the bus and one for the right side of the bus. Failure to power one set will cause a problem for the units mounted on that unpowered side.
I'm running a 588 with a TM260 and recently purchased a TZTXL10 that I will hook to my existing P66 to get speed data. If I hook the 588 up to the Nema backbone can I use the TM260 on the TZTXL10 thru the Nema backbone if I want to?