FCV-292 to FUR-TZT16F with AIR-033-333


New member
Hello all, I just purchased a TZT16F to replace a FCV-292. As I'm sure you're aware, the FCV-292 has 2x 4-pin transducer cables (50/200) and a six-pin Speed/Temp. How do I go about re-using the transducer and speed/temp? I have a AIR-033-333 pig-tail to 10-pin adapter cable. What do I do?
That's the thing, I can't find anything identifiable on the cables or the inboard side of the transducer... Is there a way of identifying it via the FCV, like through 'transducer id'?
If you can't identify what you have, get some photos of what it looks from inside the boat (and outside if you can) and then look at what the current established TAP settings are set to on the FVC292. With that we might be able to figure out what you have.