Fax 30 not working


New member
My fax 30 is not receiving any message. After contacting Furuno Italy i was told that they do not inspect the internal components. The solution is changing the main board since no diagnosis or repair is anymore done by Furuno. The cost of a new main board is almost the same as a new fax30 and therefore this strategy is clearly discarded. Do you know of other places were technicians still do the diagnosis and repair work? The test procedure was carried out by a friend ham (see attachments) and was successfull, the antenna properly tested (I use a long wire 15 meters) but the signal is not properly elaborated in the main board (???) . I use it with an old windows 7 PC.


Due to labor costs, it is isn't uncommon for component repairs not to be offered. Looking at your photo the Signal Strength is normally 30-70 and yours is showing 60. This is good. It also reflects a SN=54 (Signal to Noise) that is also in the good range (20-60). If the signal he has on the O'scope is locally generated, it could be the receiver is good and there is something wrong with the antenna or connection. The Furuno USA forum group is mostly for support of US customers so I am sorry that I don't know any good repair shops in Italy. If you are running a long wire antenna, the ACTIVE setting should be OFF because you are not running the FAX5 coupler/pre-amp. (See para 7.2.1 of the manual) If the antenna is good and the receiver is showing good SS and SN, then the failure must be deeper into the circuit. Also note the FAX30 unit has been around for many years and newer Fax30 units are not the same circuits as the older type. There are some FAX30 units that will not work with the NavNet 3D and above due to the older designs. If you replace the unit, it most likely will be a completely different board type.
Due to labor costs, it is isn't uncommon for component repairs not to be offered. Looking at your photo the Signal Strength is normally 30-70 and yours is showing 60. This is good. It also reflects a SN=54 (Signal to Noise) that is also in the good range (20-60). If the signal he has on the O'scope is locally generated, it could be the receiver is good and there is something wrong with the antenna or connection. The Furuno USA forum group is mostly for support of US customers so I am sorry that I don't know any good repair shops in Italy. If you are running a long wire antenna, the ACTIVE setting should be OFF because you are not running the FAX5 coupler/pre-amp. (See para 7.2.1 of the manual) If the antenna is good and the receiver is showing good SS and SN, then the failure must be deeper into the circuit. Also note the FAX30 unit has been around for many years and newer Fax30 units are not the same circuits as the older type. There are some FAX30 units that will not work with the NavNet 3D and above due to the older designs. If you replace the unit, it most likely will be a completely different board type.
Due to labor costs, it is isn't uncommon for component repairs not to be offered. Looking at your photo the Signal Strength is normally 30-70 and yours is showing 60. This is good. It also reflects a SN=54 (Signal to Noise) that is also in the good range (20-60). If the signal he has on the O'scope is locally generated, it could be the receiver is good and there is something wrong with the antenna or connection. The Furuno USA forum group is mostly for support of US customers so I am sorry that I don't know any good repair shops in Italy. If you are running a long wire antenna, the ACTIVE setting should be OFF because you are not running the FAX5 coupler/pre-amp. (See para 7.2.1 of the manual) If the antenna is good and the receiver is showing good SS and SN, then the failure must be deeper into the circuit. Also note the FAX30 unit has been around for many years and newer Fax30 units are not the same circuits as the older type. There are some FAX30 units that will not work with the NavNet 3D and above due to the older designs. If you replace the unit, it most likely will be a completely different board type.
I fully understand and thank you for your attention and prompt response. I am prepared to send my device to a repair shop in the US if you can suggest to me someone that may try a component repair. This is not a problem at all.