Custom Maps



Furuno I have a situation here. I currently run a Furuno 585 and love it but I'm using a Garmin 541 chartplotter. I like it also. But here is my problem. I have purchased high res data for my area that I fish and have used it to generate my own contour maps at 1' intervals and also high res imagery of the bottom. It seems that Garmin has made it almost impossible to create a custom map that can be used on there chartplotters. I am using GlobalMapper as a base program for my map work.

If I were using a furuno chartplotter would I be able to load custom maps that I have created. I want to be able to see my HD depth contours but to be able to see the imagery of the high res pic would be a plus also.

Would this be possible with a furuno machine??
Just to update, I called Garmin and it seems you can load custom maps on there units. They told me just how to do it. Thanks.