Convert route from Route Assist to manual


Furuno Fan
This question refers to TimeZero software, not to Furuno's MFDs. Nobeltec is aware of the issue, and is considering it for a future update. The workaround is:
1. Save the route as a GPX file.
2. Delete the original route.
3. Import the GPX.

If I use Route Assist to build a route, can I go back later and convert that route to a manual route for editing?

Routes built by Route Assist aren't perfect, so I usually need to delete or move waypoints. But every time I do, Route Assist rebuilds the entire route, undoing my edits. I can't find a setting to turn off Route Assist.
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TZT doesn't offer AI Routing or any type of auto routing type feature. Any route is able to be edited later. If you are talking about the feature to convert a track to a route, then yes; once it is a route, it becomes just like any other route in your list and can be edited.
Oh duh! I was talking about TimeZero software, which is not a topic for this forum. Sorry for the mis-post.
I’ve found that once you have the initial autoroute that if you add or move waypoints these stay in place. The remainder of your autoroute will adjust but after a few key waypoints the route seems to stay put.