Considering TZ3 purchase... a few questions


Currently a Navenet2 user, but system is failing (GPS, Radar). Planning on chartplotter/radar purchase and considering sticking with Furuno and getting a TZ3 plotter and dome doppler radar.

- I regularly plan routes etc on PC with OpenCPN, and then transfer to chartplotter. Will TZ3 IMPORT gpx files? (The manual really is NOT clear on IMPORT, only about export... but this Forum seems to suggest it will.)

- TZcloud, etc: It is not clear whether purchase of TZ3 includes account on TZcloud without additional charge. Wondering about storage and transfer of waypoints and routes. I do not plan to spend >$600 on TimeZero PC software!

- Transferring via USB: Do the cables/connections provided with TZ3 include a USB connection where I could attach a USB flash drive? From the manual, the answer seems yes. Please confirm. Also: the manual suggests need to purchase part to transfer to/from SD cards. Is this essentially any USB SD card reader/writer?

- NMEA0183 INPUT: It appears from manual that no NMEA0183 input. A NMEA0183-to-NMEA2000 converter required. Will non-Furuno converters work (instead/in addition to Furuno part)?

THANKS for answers/confirmations
Yes, importing GPX is fine. If you want to make sure, make a route and attach and I'll test just to make sure it imports. Sometimes even though it is a GPX file sometimes one jot or tittle off and they won't import.

For the TZ Cloud you just go to and MyTimeZero at the top and create an account. Then on the boat, connect to WiFi and sign into the MyTimeZero account and you can upload/download.

TZT3 has a USB port. The manual is suggesting that if you don't have a USB thumb drive you can use a SD card reader and attach to the USB port. All Imports, exports, and backup/restores are through the USB port.

The TZT3 only has ONE NMEA0183 legacy OUTPUT only. This is for connecting to older legacy equipment. Yes, to get NMEA0183 onto the NMA2000 backbone use a NMEA0183 to NMEA2000 converter. It doesn't have to be a Furuno one.
Thanks very much for reply.

I've attached a simple gpx file (in a zip, Forum rules)... not real waypoints/routes, just a test.
(I expect OpenCPN waypoint symbols do not necessarily translate... I can figure that out laser as I did for older rou & rat files)

