Cm599lhg fvc295 help!


New member
Hey guys, just got this cm599lhg paired with a 295 put in the boat have had some time on it, when I pull up the transducer setting. It asks me for a transducer, tap, etc but the cm599lhg is not coming up under transducers. It shows like 7 different transducers in the settings but only have the cm599lhg in the boat. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
The matching of a transducer is done by the TAPS at the back of the unit, the settings are only for frequency setup. Even the few transducer models listed only provide the suggested tap settings for such transducer and you still must go to the back of the machine and setup the TAPs properly. For any transducer not listed you simply setup MANUAL not model. Then dialing in the freq and bandwidth of the frequency you plan to use within the operating range of the selected transducer. Welcome to the Forum!

You need to ensure that FCV295's TAP Setting are set-up properly for use with the CM599LHG. You'll need set the unit's Tap "C" Setting for the Low Frequency, and Tap "C" Setting for the High Frequency. This will provide the proper voltages that are going to the CM599LHG transducer.

Once the transducer's Tap Settings are properly set, then I'd set 50kHz (or even 38kHz if you looking for deeper water performance... ) on the Low Frequency, and 200kHz for the High Frequency.

-Deep Blue 😎