My predicament with re-fitting my center console is transducer selection with the ability to run PBG.
A combo transducer like the 165T-PM542LHW does not have a narrow enough beam in HF for my liking.. Fishing often in 90-300ft of water, I want to know more so whats underneath me vs off to the sides when I'm spinning my boat around to anchor. This way, I know those fish are right underneath me from my reading. I believe the 455T-PR903 455khz side scan will be invaluable as to what's to the sides of me. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems these wide beam transducer combos are meant as a swiss army knife but don't necessarily lead the pack in sidescan / bottom capability?
I often fish 600-2000 ft as well so it is a lot of basis to cover in a 36' center console... Hence if the Bathyvision covers most of where I fish, I'm not sure I'll need PBG.... BUT I WANT IT ALL! HA.
My plan was to run a TZX 16 with the 455T-PR903 for dedicated sidescan, R509LH to a DFF3-UHD box. Then I guess if I want PBG, I'll have to bring out the wallet. I'll need a DFF3D box along with a 165T/275LHW? I currently have a B260 (everyone who bottom fishes < 300 ft should have this ducer).. Maybe if I do PBG with multibeam / DFF3D, I integrate a new FV-800 into the mix to dedicate it's use to sidescan or the R509... Or both?
A lot here to unpack but I appreciate your knowledge and efforts in this high-tech world I'm entering in.
At the end of the day, I'm just a fisherman!