Creating "arches" is all about timing. If two targets are at the same depth but one is directly under the vessel and the other is on the outer part of the transducers beam, the one on the outside will appear at a deeper depth than it really is. As that target comes under the vessel the depth decreases (rises) then increases again as the target exits the transducers beam. So even though the target is at the same depth it has an inverted "V" shape (chevron). The wider a transducers beam angle and the deeper a target is in the water column the greater this timing difference becomes, thus it can produce a more pronounced arch. Another important part in trying to produce an "arch" is the vessels speed, 3-4 knots I found works the best in our testing. The CA2008B has a 5.5 degree beam, about a third of your 28 & 50Khz ducer so to produce an arch it will need to be deep and go slow.