DFF1-UHD transducer configuration


Furuno Fan
I have the TZTouch2 with the DFF1-UHD and TM265LH transducer. The resolution did not seem up to that shown in the marketing literature so I contacted technical support. It was suggested that connecting the orange TID wire has adverse affects on the transducer performance.

My question is can you provide details on what has been observed? What aspects of the performance are impacted? Are there photos with and without the TID connected?

As it will be a non-trivial exercise to get at the TID wire in my setup (very tight spaces) I would like to know if what I am seeing has any relation to the issue.
The internal make up of the TM-265 is the same as the B, CM and PM transducers. However the TM series is not in the UHD data base as it wasn't available. To answer your question, I don't have any screens and it is recommended that the orange TID wire is not connected when using the TM. That being say will it make that much difference? Hard to say without seeing screen shots of what you are seeing. Can you post a couple of screen shots?

Thanks for the screen shots. The streaks and gaps in the bottom would indicate unclean water flow. Do you have screen shots that are showing both frequencies?

Here are some low speed shots including dual frequency.


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Are you asking if those look OKl? It is very hard to judge without having more information like what settings you were using, vessels speed and what was in the water? Just looking at these I don't see much mid-water speckle so my first question would to ask how much gain you were using.

Everything on auto, speed 5mph, unremarkable bottom. I am interested in your opinion on the resolution of the features shown such as the spikes and the drop off. I agree it may be hard to tell anything until I can get out over a reef with some fish. The concern I have is the image looks "low resolution", almost pixelated. That effect is clearer in the second image I posted earlier.

I will try to get some better bottom to review.

Thank you
I would advice against using a Auto TX rate as this will compress all your targets, especially at 5 knots. Please use a Manual 20 setting. Second is to set the gain manually to begin with.

I have the same problem. I have a tzt2 12 inch, dff1 uhd and tm265lh and I have no bottom discrimination and no accufish. My high frequency isn’t up to par either. Orange wire not connected.
I have the same problem. I have a tzt2 12 inch, dff1 uhd and tm265lh and I have no bottom discrimination and no accufish. My high frequency isn’t up to par either. Orange wire not connected.
Do you have any screen shots with the settings you are using you can post?
