Hi again a lot has happened since last post and before getting
someone to come check cables unit has locked
up several times . Only thing that would
work on one occasion was roto key to rotate
screen selection.Another time I was trying to
shut unit down from shutdown screen and
nothing would respond.
The cables all tested good yesterday
We put the BBDS-1 into test mode (using dip switch 3-
and both screens showed simulation
When we put back the dip switch THE SOUNDER BEGAN WORKING
We powered off the unit once again and moved all 4
Dip switches back and forth several times hopefully to
clean contacts
The sounder worked on a 6 hour fishing trip today without
a glitch
Is it a valid thought that that dip switch could have
been the issue , being that it was only the factory test switch
Also today ,and on many other occasions previously ,the unit
about 15 minutes after the start of our trip when
I was trying to initiate a route follow using the nav pilot
It took about 20 to 25 minutes before this was allowed
Also today the unit froze up when I was trying to
initiate a follow route, when I selected
ACTIVATE FROM the screen froze for about 30 seconds
and nothing would respond . This happened 3 times
and I gave up
Also today the alarms RADAR VIDEO ALARM and also
something like DCP/ ?DCP came up on a number of
occasions . I have not tried as yet to find out what
these are .