Which chart am I using?


New member
I have bathymetric fishing charts on my 16" TZT3. How do I determine which chart is actually being used? The MFD "Charts Catalog" displays 9 screens of charts, most of which show a check mark or as unlocked.

I remember the process of determining which charts to buy was non-trivial.

You can touch the chart and then touch "chart info". You can also swipe up and tell it what chart to use by selecting Auto, CMap, HOs, Raster, etc. A check mark means its included. "Unlocked" meas it is a purchased charts. Tech support or TimeZero can tell you what charts you have unlocked, based on your System ID.
A dealer can usually help you determine what charts to buy for your area based on what you are doing.
"Chart Info" is not an option when I touch the chart. (I have the current software.) I can get a chart list by touching "Furuno" in the top left, then "Lists", then charts, but this shows all charts installed, locked or unlocked, fishing and nav.

How can I determine the chart I am actually seeing on the screen?

As Fishtech says you must find an area of the chart without objects near the boat and tap the screen quickly and you will get a pop-up menu. In some cases you will need to take your finger and scroll down the menu of selection items to find "Chart Info" and touch it.