What Transducer(s) to use with FCV-800? Already have a B744V connected


New member
I purchased this past year a FCV-800 mainly because it was compatible with my existing Airmar B744v/525ST-MSD transducer (my fcv-582l died). Now looking more at the unit and reading up on it sounds like I can connect also connect another transducer i.e. a CHIRP and get the best of both worlds? Given the one I currently have what is the other transducer I should get? And is it worth all the extra work? I have a 35ft Bertram and mainly offshore fish but also do seabass and fluke in water like 100ft+deep. And also the tuna do come in to the lumps at like 200ft+.
You can connect a single frequency CHIRP transducer to the XDR2 port such as a B75M Medium or B75H High frequency or a TM150 M if you want to go with a transom mount.
You can connect a single frequency CHIRP transducer to the XDR2 port such as a B75M Medium or B75H High frequency or a TM150 M if you want to go with a transom mount.
Thanks! Question, I did notice that using the same old transducer with the FCV-800 vs the FCV-582l, I don't seem to read the bottom as well at cruise (or even task 20+knots) even in shallow water like over 100ft. Will adding this transducer solve that issue?
Thanks! Question, I did notice that using the same old transducer with the FCV-800 vs the FCV-582l, I don't seem to read the bottom as well at cruise (or even task 20+knots) even in shallow water like over 100ft. Will adding this transducer solve that issue?
As a general rule, if losing bottom image when underway it is often more about the transducer placement than it is the capabilities of the transducer. Cavitation (Air boundary layer) can cause air bubbles to get beneath the face of the transducer and can cause it to lose bottom. High speed faring blocks can help push the transducer under that layer into clear water, often fixing that issue.
As a general rule, if losing bottom image when underway it is often more about the transducer placement than it is the capabilities of the transducer. Cavitation (Air boundary layer) can cause air bubbles to get beneath the face of the transducer and can cause it to lose bottom. High speed faring blocks can help push the transducer under that layer into clear water, often fixing that issue.
FYI, same transducer we had before just plugged new one in from FCV-582l to the FCV-800 and FCV-582l would pick such up at those speeds and depths.