VX-1 and DFF-1 RJ45 pin-out?


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I have a DFF-1 and VX1, RDP-139 display. I do not have a network switch and was looking to directly connect the sounder module to the display. I am looking for a pin-out diagram that shows the 6 pin (assuming this is the correct plug for a comm port on VX1) to RJ45 connections as I am a network person and have the tools, shielded Cat5e and ice cubes to create a cable. Through the forum I found a diagram for a radar to display connection, but not sure if its correct for my scenario. Can someone verify if it is or perhaps point me in the direction of the correct pinout diagram?

Thank you!


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Totally ignore the wiring you have on the 7pin cable because the NavNet one and Vx2 uses a SIX pin network connection (NOT 7).

The factory Furuno blue NavNet 6Pin to 6pin cables are cross-over network cables so color code can be flipped depending on which end you use. It is best to ohm it out. Here is the pin out depending on if you need straight or crossover. Straight is typically for going to a hub and cross-over for going direct to another unit like the DFF1.

Furuno 6 Pin STRAIGHT ------TO------------- RJ45

Pin 1 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 1
Pin 2 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 2
Pin 3 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 3
Pin 4 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 6

Furuno 6 Pin Cross-Over ------TO------------- RJ45

Pin 1 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 3
Pin 2 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 6
Pin 3 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 1
Pin 4 -------------------------------------------------- Pin 2

PS. For the record there is no such thing as a Vx-1. We had NavNet (aka NavNet 1) and the Vx2, then NN3D, TZT, TZT2, and now TZT3.
Thank You Johnny!!! Exactly what I was looking for! So if I understood you correctly, a crossover cable would plug directly into the back of the NavNet1, and if I used a network switch, it would be a straight connection from the DFF1, then a straight connection frrom the NavNet to the switch? Do the units have static IP addresses or do I need a router with DHCP to assign the DFF1 and NavNet IP addresses?

Had another question, could I use a second MFD such as a MFD8 on the bridge and network it to the switch and get the same data (Radar and Sonar) on that unit as a secondary display?

Thank you again for your most excellent help!
You can NOT mix Vx2 and NN3D units. You can only mix NN1 and Vx2. You can NOT use a router, it must be a hub/switch that doesn't assign IP addresses. Each unit has fixed/static addresses. Hub/Switches conduct a cross over so if you use an older one, you much go straight from each connected device and let the hub do the cross. Newer switches/hub will automatically sense any crossover issue and make it work regardless.
Thank you again Johnny,
I will assume that Computer direct to Navnet1 would be a crossover cable then? I may have to do a software upgrade to my unit as I purchased a Navionics Classic card for West cost and Hawaii, and it does not read it. I attached a photo of the boot screen with the software version and am guessing this is the issue? Can you let me know if the version is current or needing to be upgraded??
Thank You!
That unit reflects version 21 (~2004 software) for Navionics. You can update to Navionics v24 using the PC software on our website or convert it to C-map v20, using the same. Yes, if going direct to a PC, you would use a crossover.
Hi Johnny,

Hope you had a good weekend. So about this chart card I have, I attached a photo of the card. Is there any reason from your experience why my RDP-139 will not read this card? Seems if the card was bad, the unit would indicate it?? I read a post about inserting the card with guidance from your fingers and tried that, it didn't seem to help. It does not completely fill the card slot.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance-

That is a Navionics chart card. It is consistent with that machine and it's programming. If it was working before in this machine, I would expect one of the following.
- Card not inserted properly before power on
- Card reader is bad
- Chart card is bad

Do to the age of the machine the center tooth that aligns the chart card can wear allowing the card to sometimes get off by a row of pins. With the machine off insert the chart card about 1/4 of the way in. Take your right finger and prepare to push straight in as using the left index finger to provide some light rightward pressure to the card as it is inserted. This will help the card go in straight and prevent any pin misalignment.

If the chart was purchased afterwards, it could be newer than the machine software and it might just be that the machine needs a software upgrade to recognize it.
Johnny, once again thank you for the help. I can't thank you enough fro your patience.

We have tried using our finger to guide the card in the slot and it seems to seat properly, so if it is seated properly, then I would have to suspect either the reader is bad or software is not compatible. I can tell you the pins are not bent in any way, nor is there any sort of corrosion on them.
The card was purchased after the unit was bought, as the unit was re-located to Hawaii Island from Washington earlier this year. I will try updating the software before deeming the card reader bad.
Can you tell me what year that software version was flashed/distributed versus the card software? I can only assume I would need another like RDP unit to determine if the card is bad or not-
Once again, you have been extremely helpful with your extensive knowledge.
Have a wonderful day-
Label on the card says 2001 and the software you have dates to 2004, so I now suspect it isn't compatibility issue. I would guess the card reader or the card has a problem. If the pins are not looking bad, it is more likely the chip than the unit. The card readers were very good on these unless they got corrosion.