Vanished from Furuno Website !?!?


New member
Today I was compiling the exact/proper model numbers for an electronics order. I noticed that some of the DRSA-NXT sensors are no longer on the Furuno USA website?


What does this mean, please, Furuno folks?
Are you talking about or
Which product are you seeking? I am not aware of any removals.
Thanks Johnny.

I can see them now under products. I could not see them earlier by navigating through the “navnet radar sensors” icon, but now it is displaying the same as navigating through products. I was concerned that sales may have been halted due to supply chain issues beyond Furuno’s control.

Anyway, we are ordering a DRS25ANXT/4…which is very exciting. All of your earlier posts about this product were useful in our decision making, thank you.

Do you have any information regarding backorder times, please?

No we have no visibility of dealer or distributor stock. We continue to get products but a line (backorders) has developed which will take a bit to clear with the shipping issues and component shortages. I am glad the website resolved for you and that my posts have proved useful.