Unexpected TZT3 chart update behavior


New TZT16, installed May 12… and new NOAA chart updates just recently became available. As I understand it… the manual says to use a microSD card no larger than 32gb, to place unzipped update files in the root directory (folder), to insert the card when the machine is off… and when powered on, the charts will be automatically loaded.

I presumed that was describing the same process used in our previous NN3D MFD12, and that the updated chart files would be read into memory on initial startup. Also similar to the update process for TimeZero.

Well, I was having trouble attempting to insert my brand new 32gb microSD card with updated NOAA raster and vector charts, and with some additional sat phot charts that weren’t already present. Eventually I discovered I was having problems because there was already a microSD card installed. 256gb, volume label v21.3.2 and with folders named CMAP, CMOR, Navionics, NOAA USA, etc… raster, vector, sat photos, etc. sub-folders within the NOAA USA folder… and all of the files in all of the sub-folders (I think) appear in the TZT16 chart catalog. CMAP, CMOR, and Navionics charts all locked, of course; the rest unlocked. Removing the 256gb microSD card removed most – but not all – of the charts from the TZT16 chart catalog. I didn’t take notes on it, but the remaining files may have been base maps and similar, or tides? etc.?


I added the updated East Coast/Great Lakes raster (01, 02, 03 MAP18, using abbreviated naming) and vector 00 MAP 20) files, and the extra sat photo files I want available, into the appropriate sub-folders in the NOAA USA folder on the 256gb microSD card… and sure enough all the new files appear in the TZT16 chart catalog.


And I hadn’t deleted the three now-outdated raster and vector (MAP18) files… but they no longer appear in the TZT16 chart catalog… even though they remain in the appropriate NOAA USA sub-folders on the 256gb microSD card.


Q?: The TZT16 is apparently always reading data from the media when using the 256gb card. And some files didn’t disappear when I removed the 256gb card, so I assume those had been loaded into memory. Does using the “32gb method” described in the manual actually load files into memory?

Q?: If so, does that mean response time would be faster if all the files I want are loaded into memory with the 32gb method?

Q?: If so, is there a memory limit, perhaps similar to the memory slot limit on our previous MFD12?

Q?: Speaking of that… did the MFD12 work the same way? One method reading data from media, another method for loading data directly into memory?

Thanks Chris that is quite a book. :-)
You seem to have a lot of confusion because the chart card is not limited to 32GB on the TZT3. In fact the TZT3 has a 256GB card that comes preinstalled. It seems maybe you were reading information about the much older NN3D series which can not load charts with anything larger than 32GB. I think it would be best to call into our support direct. I see you are located very near our East Coast office. (410-479-4420) We have support during the week for 12 hours between both offices. Our West coast number is 360-834-9300. During the day when both are open, the call can be answered by either coast. East Coast time you can reach us 8am to 8pm EST.
Heh.. not to worry, the updated NOAA raster and vector nav charts are loaded, along with the additional sat photo files I wanted on board... so much of my interest was more about whether they're loaded in the manner that results in the fastest possible throughput speeds.

Sounds like I'm good to go.

Source of my questions:

Furuno TZT3 manual, section 9, File Operations, p9-1: "Format the USB flash memory or microSD card to file system FAT32. The capacity of the media should be 32GB or less."

OTOH, I did think that seemed a bit strange, in light of the "Compatible microSD cards" list on p1-29, given inclusion of 256GB, 128BG, etc. cards cited there. And given I found the pre-installed 256gb card in the unit itself.

Then too, when some of the files remained installed (i.e., visible in the Chart Catalog) even after pulling the 256gb card, it seemed possible to me there might be two kinds of storage in play, one being RAM, the other being the card.

There is a difference between the microSD card memory and that of the USB drive (aka USB Stick) that might be used with the system.

The preloaded Furuno USA chart card has most of the western hemisphere charts (many are locked) and some open space. We normally recommend downloading the free local high resolution SAT photo to add so that you really spice up the charting with SAT overlay. There are some "base" charts that reside directly in the unit memory which are loaded during the software programming of the machine. Yes, if the unit is powered up without the card there will still be some basic base charts still shown. We do not ever recommend removing or inserting the chart card while the machine is turned ON. Always do that with the machine OFF.
Is the TZT3 reading off of the card the entire time in operation, or are the charts loaded from the card into internal onboard memory?
Reading everything but the base charts directly off the card with TZT/TZT2/TZT3 systems. NN3D used an internal hard drive.
ooh , so now you've got me thinking

can i put one of my super fast SD cards from my go pros or digital slr cameras to help increase the performance of my tzt 3's ?
You could, but it won't help much of anything. The cards Furuno USA use are special rated cards that will be the same speed or better than the gopro card. Even if the gopro card is a tad faster it won't matter because the charts are indexed upon power up and local area is buffered. It won't hurt anything if you wish to play but I don't think you will see any noticeable gains.
How about removing any and all un-necessary maps and/or layers that are not used, in order to free up the available memory buffer in the TZT3?
Optimizing the map load will have some benefit on the bootup index time. This difference is really small. We noticed only a few seconds when changing from the 128GB map cards for the newer 256GB we use now. We started with 64GB back in TZT series one and slowly worked our way up as prices of memory dropped. We encourage that customers load local high resolution SATs that are not preloaded on the cards. The USA coastline and river system all have FREE SATs that really increase the look and feel of the mapping whenever used. Removing mapping that you never plan to unlock and use can be helpful but the speed increase isn't as great as you might think. Customizing will help and it also frees space for storage for PBG.