TZtouch2/PSU012 power supply and jumper wire


Furuno Fan
I am seeing conflicting information about whether I have to connect the jumper wire at J7. Do I or do I not need it if I am using a 12KW radar, PSU012 and TZTouch 2 12" screen? Thanks.
I did read that, thank you. But in other areas, it mentions using the jumper and the TZT2 is never mentioned. That is what had me questioning if I needed it.

That document also says everything has to be plugged into a ethernet hub which I had no intention of using. Why would I need an ethernet hub if using 1 MFD with radar?
If you only have one network (Ethernet) device connected you do not need a hub.
It can always be added if you expand the network.
I want to know the full specifications of the PSU012.
What are the details of all of its hardware components?
Also does it need any interfacing software?
Is it available without its attached screen?
The PSU012 is strictly an external power supply needed for TZT and TZT2 to run our open array radars. Details are in the DRS radar manual.