TZT2 Internal GPS Vs GP330B


Reading the the V6.21 software release PDF I noted that the new track drawing features will only work with a GP330B with a serial number of 4457-7001 or later. I assume there is nothing I can do to utilise this functionality with my serial number 4457-1895 unit? Does the internal GPS in my TZT2 15 have the same performance as the GP330B, negating the need for an external GPS receiver?

Worth noting I also have DRS4D radar unit installed on my boat.

The internal sensor of the GP330B was upgraded to a 10hz sensor at the serial number break. The older models can't be upgraded because it was a hardware change. For you, the internal sensor on the TZT2 is better as long as you are able to get a clear signal/lock. It is hard to beat an external GPS for signal strength.
Hi Johny,
Thanks for your response. My TZT2 is located close to the GP330B at the helm (1 foot away), so I should expect similar performance from the internal receiver?

Select the GP330B and check the HDOP reading on your sat status screen. Then change your primary source to the internal GPS and check the HDOP. Which one has the lowest (best) HDOP reading?