TZT19F USB 1 Touch + MCU004


Currently have a MCU004 connected to USB 1 on my 19 inch TZT3. I would like to keep the remote mouse operational on the mfd but I also would like to connect the mfd to my Lenovo computer and use USB for touch capability. The Lenovo is running Time Zero Pro into HDMI input of the TZT319 so I get all the new chartography and bathy features that were just released with XL. I have been told that by connecting one of the USB ports from the Lenovo to the TZT3 I will get touch control. Can the micro USB port on TZT3 19 be used for either of these functions? How can I have both the Lenovo and MCU004 operational on TZT319F?

The touch feature via USB1 is pretty cool. I have a TZT316F connected to a Hatteland monitor in the cockpit and the touch screen functions on the Hatteland works flawlessly.

Thanks for the help.
The PC would connect up to the TZT19F in the same manner as you have the Hatteland connected to the TZT16F and then the touch can be passed to the PC in the same way as you do the hatteland.
I understand but I would also like to keep functionality of MCU004 I have mounted next to TZT19F.


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MCU004 should be connecting to USB1 and the touch passthru should be on USB2. The MCU004 should be left on USB1 as it is. It will continue to work.
I will give that a try using micro usb on USB2 with Lenovo.
If that doesn’t work I will try a USB Hub.
