
Furuno Super Fan
How is the preformance of the TZT2 Built in FF compared to the DFF1. I am currently running the DFF1 with a B260 transducer. I am on VX2 architecture and have been told the DFF1 preformance is being limited by the slow VX2. Considering updating to TZT2 with the DFF3D and keeping the B260 to run the TZT FF at the same time as the DFF3D - Can I run them at the same time??

The sounder in the TZT2 is as good as the DFF1 and in fact has better features such as bottom discrimination and Rezboast which will provide improved target separation.
The sounder, being 50/200 Khz will not interfere with the DFF3D which is a frequency of 165Khz. You can run them at the same time.
The internal sounder doesn't have all the circuits that the DFF1 has, so it is a difficult comparison. The internal sounder has some of the more advanced features over the DFF1 but the DFF1 tends to have a bit deeper water performance over the internal sounder. I personally wouldn't rank the internal sounder as good as any of the external sounders but it is a good one. I guess it depends if you need bottom discrimination feature and how deep you fish, and what transducer you are using.
My usual fishing if pelagic bluefin in 1500’+ but only concentrating on the top 300’ or so. I also fish for yellowtail in <200’ and the rockfish/halibut in <100’.

Knowing that what’s most important is the DFF1/VX2 configuration seems to have a very slow PRR/ scroll when fishing Pelagius and has a very coarse image.

Would the DFF1/TZT combo cure the PRR/slow scroll speed as well as have a finer image detail when using the B260 transducer? Or would I be better off using the internal TZT sounder and B260??

Hope that made sense...
