Can a single MFD with two separate transducers operate one in TX and the other in Standby?



Considering adding a B175M for deep water bottom fishing. Currently have a TZT3-12 with B175HW and DFF3D.

Ideal installation point for a new transducer will leave both B175's in relatively close (but different sides of keel) proximity to each other. I don't really ever need both running at the same time, so to avoid cross talk, would I be able to put one transducer in Standby and the other in TX? Or is the TX/Standby an all or nothing thing for all transducers operating on that MFD?

I never thought the HW and M could run together on my unit with the Y cable but it appears that the combination is now on the Furuno approved list (nice work and thank you!), where as before we were limited with the HW to only the L. If wrong assuming this, please correct me.
If you have both transducers connected to a single MFD, you would not be able to stop transmission on only one of them. The built in sounder is either in TX mode or Standby on both channels. However, the frequency ranges of the B175M and the B175HW do not overlap, which suggests that you should not have a major interference issue. The interference filter does a good job in any case if you set it to high.

You can always select to display just the HW or M on screen even though both are running and not show both side by side if you prefer. I have a B175H and B175L and very rarely have both on screen at the same time unless I am in depths of 400-600 feet that are near the maximum for the high frequency side. In shallower water, I rely on the DFF-3D rather than the B175L for a wider view.

Although you are right that the B175HW and B175M pair is now shown on the list of compatible transducers, you would do well to call Furuno tech support and check since it means that the medium frequency will be driven by the low frequency circuit in the sounder. In the past (although I could be wrong), I thought a medium frequency transducer had to be driven by the high frequency side.

Perhaps one of the Furuno guys will respond and clarify.
I spoke with Furuno and their WA tech support confirmed that the B175HW and B175M are now compatible on a single TZT3 dual channel MFD. M will be driven by low frequency side. When I asked if this is new, the tech said he believe this came online with one of the newer software updates.

Kind of an undersold game changer update imo, especially for those of us with HW but looking for a 500'-900' option with a smaller cone.