TZ14 Wireless Network settings for weather



I have a TZ 14 which I can successfully connect to the internet and download weather via a hot spot on my smartphone / Data connection.

However I cannot download weather when TZ14 is connected directly to the local marina wifi.

I can successfully connect to the Marin Wifi Network.

Marina Wifi setting must have a specified proxy server for internet access in pc web browser (for example port 80)

Is there anyway I can configure my TZ14 so I can ustilse the free Marina wifi for weather download instead of having to use my smartphone 3G data connectio/ wifi hotspot

Any Ideas? manual is not clear in this respect
The TZT will not let you type in specific WebPages/addresses. It works with open or normal secured Wi-Fi (with correct password). For some Wi-Fi where it requires you to enter a password via an agreement website (like many hotels) the system is suppose to "auto open" the site being pushed by the Wi-Fi service; so you can enter the agreement/password. I guess it must be pushed correctly by the Wi-Fi server because I have heard many reports of this pop-up agreement/login page never coming up on the TZT. I will pass your post to our product development department to see if they can't get Japan to add a bit more flexibility.