TZ10X and TZT22X Networking


New member
I am at a point of a new build where I need to order electronics and have decided to go with Furuno.

Couple of questions I can't find answers to if you were to have a TZT10X installed next to a TZT22X.
1) Can I use the sounder and chart plotter in the 10x but control it with the 22X?
a) Do you have full functionality or is there an advantage to getting TZTBBX and Sounder Modules?
2)Along the same lines will the buttons from a 10X or 13X allow you to control a 22X or do you still need a MCU-006

You can indeed, use the TZT22X to control the sounder settings on the sounder in the TZT10X.
You cannot however use the integrated controls on the TZT10X to control the TZT22X, you would need to have a MCU-006 or similar remote.