Transom Mount or in hull transducer's for 295

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I have a new(old) 22ft glass boat. I run a 295 with two transom mount transducers, a 2kw 200B-8B and a 1 kw 50B-6B from my old aluminium boat. I have always had problems with interference and now with the glass hull i am thinking of using in hull wetbox setup and upgrading to a 2kw /50.Will in hull give a better picture at speed?. At present I loose bottom at 12knots. Is the airmar 299 in hull better for this size boat ?? I bottom fish between 100m to 700mtrs for cod etc . Any help would be really appreciated .
Thank you for your question.
Sounder performance especially at speed is all about getting clean water flow over the face of the transducer. Each hull has different water flow characteristics at different speeds meaning what worked on another hull may (or may not) work for you. One suggestion is to ask Pizzaman who has a FCV-295/R-299 combination on his 25 footer.

wazza":2z2w82s5 said:
I have a new(old) 22ft glass boat. I run a 295 with two transom mount transducers, a 2kw 200B-8B and a 1 kw 50B-6B from my old aluminium boat. I have always had problems with interference and now with the glass hull i am thinking of using in hull wetbox setup and upgrading to a 2kw /50.Will in hull give a better picture at speed?. At present I loose bottom at 12knots. Is the airmar 299 in hull better for this size boat ?? I bottom fish between 100m to 700mtrs for cod etc . Any help would be really appreciated .

Gday Wazza

I have the setup your thinking of but i only just installed it and only been to the shelf off Port Fairy Victoria once since i installed it.I put a couple of pictures up from the first day they were the best i could get but im new to the FCV 295 so was guessing at everything i was doing but since then i have spoken the Mark " Chop " Reid Australias Furuno guru and he has given me some setting changes but i have not got out to try them yet. In 550m of water i could read a good bottom at 15 knots and lost it at about 18 knots trolled to that 625m picture at 10 knots in 40m i can read a bottom upto 25 to 30 knots but after that the boat spends to much time out of the water have not tried it on a calm flat day yet. What sort of bottom do you get now as wet faced transducers will always be better ?

Pics here

Cheers Andrew ,

I have just bought a haines encore 6.8 mtr which I'm stoked with but now am trying to sort the business end out. The fuel tank is getting cut out and possible replaced and whilst its out I am deciding what to do???.
I fish out the shelf of Sth West Oz for simular fish as you. Your pic of the bottom in 400+mtrs looks good in the first bottom lock but the second pic reminds me of mine with the gaps in the screen. But mine wouldnt pic up bottom in 600+mtrs. I have been trying the TVG adjustment which seems to give you more out of the sounder. My 200 2kw is good to about 180mtr's before the bottom starts to thin out on full gain. My 50/1kw has always given me grief with interference which could be the bracket it is mounted on , but even when just drifting in calm seas it does the same?? I dont want to cut a hole in the hull for wet face but if it sorts the clean water issue I may just do it. My question is... Is a 22ft boat big enough for a thru hull set up ??
Gday Wazza

I will be out again on the weekend with some luck the sea is looking good so i will get some pics with the new settings that have been suggested. The issue i had and you have run into is any transducer over 1kw are not tilted element so they either have to be wet faced "your hull has to be able to have the transducer sit in the keel line so it faces straight down " Fairing Block or chest mounted " so a big chunky transducer hangout the bottom that could cause trailer issues" either of these options if you want the best picture possible but you either have a big whole cut out or a big chunky block under the boat. Some people make there own transom mount bracket to hold the bigger transducers but i was thinking it would act like a big trim tab so i avoided that option.

Can you have a Thru Hull on a 22ft boat there is only 2 options i could see working for mine and i think the same would go for you is either Inhull " wet box " or wet faced but wet faced is only an option if you can fit it in the keel line i only say this because if you wetface the transducer anywhere else in the hull you will read off to the side not straight down.

EG. if you have a 21 degree deadrise and wetface your transducer to that angle and fish 500m of water by the time the sounder hits the bottom it could be about 190m off to the side which is why tilted element transducers are needed

I have decided on the wetbox setup. I will keep my 200khz 2kw . Now I am undecided on which LF transducer to buy?? I am looking at either the 28Khz 3 kw, which I have been told will hold bottom better with the boat rocking in heavy seas due to the beam angle ?? Is this correct ?? Or am i better of with the 50khz 3Kw ?? I am thinking the 3Kw will give a bit more punching thru the hull and will be plenty enough out to 800mtrs.
What is the difference in ground coverage between the two ??
Cheers !
You didn't mention want what ducers you were looking at except 3Kw. If you know the beam angles you can use the beam spread caluator under our Learing Center to figure out the bottom foot print.
