TimeZero Cloud


Furuno Fan
Slowly but surely, I'm getting onto my Furuno system and overall I like it a lot. Integration between my nav and ap was key - game changer.

One massive gap I'm still struggling with is charts and nav planning. I can only hope that there is a big chart simplification/upgrade coming out soon that will support crowdsourcing and the ability for useful contours like the competition supports and is way ahead of.

As far as route planning, the TZCloud integration is a nice feature and differentiator in that it shares between my GPS - both updating in realtime when I make changes on the other. Good. Still lacks useful charts but again, I'm assuming Furuno has that very high on the product priority list.

TZ Cloud viewer:

I now have a few thousand waypoints, and I have found that the TZCloud web app is extremely slow and laggy - almost unusuable. I can only assume that it's the addition of my waypoints that are causing this, not sure. Timing-wise, they seem associated.

TZ Cloud web app for me no longer allows me to overlay "NOAA USA ENC Overlay" charts. I can select the radio button, but they do not show up. Again, I think this seems to correspond with the addition of a few thousand waypoints (ocean fishing).

Question: I don't see a forum here for TZCloud. Is there any support available for TZCloud web app? I get that it's free but it's an invaluable tool for TZT3 owners. The $500 TZ package is overkill. Where TZ/Furuno has fallen badly behind on charts, it has the opportunity to further open the gap with online planning that seamlessly integrates with Furuno devices. But only if the online app is usable.
The chart issue started a few weeks ago. I got in touch with Nobeltec to ask why the NOAA raster charts did not appear any more when I checked the box.

It turns out that the problem lies with NOAA, which is in the process of turning off various of its "legacy" chart products.

Nobeltec told me that they were working on a fix that would be live soon. A week later the old button was replaced with a new layer of NOAA USA ENC Overlay. It worked fine for a week or so but seems to have stopped working in the past few days.

It is probably best to contact them directly with your questions about the Time Zero apps and the cloud service. support@nobeltec.com. is the email.
Thank you.

What is the relationship between nobletec and furuno? Is it purely a partnership arrangement in which they work together to support furuno devices saving to the tz cloud or is there some ownership overlap?
It seems the NOAA chart overlay is back up and running.


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If you guys find it drops again please let me know. I could always contact them and see why it keeps dropping off. Good information.