swap Airmar 220WX with Airmar 120WX, no data RD-33


New member
I recently replaced an Airmar 220WX with an Airmar 120WX. Previously I was getting wind data via a Furuno RD-33, but with the new 120WX I’m getting nothing.

Menu - I/O Setup - CAN Bud devices
Nothing that looks like a 120WX, though I do see other things in there: GP-33, AD80, S180 etc

Menu - I/O Setup - Data sources
Data source sync OFF
All other options are CAN Bus

I can change the WIND from CAN Bus to NMEA0183, but still no joy.

No wires were swapped or changed around during the installation.

Any ideas on where to start looking? I’d like to verify there is data being sent along the wire from the smart antenna, but not sure where to look for raw data flowing in a log.



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I am not as familiar with the 120WX because Furuno USA doesn't sell that model but it appears to be NMEA 2000 like the 220WX. You might want to give Airmar's support a call (Gemeco 843-210-7000) to ensure the pin out is exactly the same between the two products. Maybe the 220WX was good and something with the cabling was bad and now replacing the head didn't fix it. You did reuse the same wiring from the older unit, correct? The RD33 doesn't have NMEA 2000 port monitor to see direct PGN data. It doesn't seem to see the device so I suspect something with the wiring. Does the AD80 simrad pilot see the wind data?
Thanks for the reply!
I was able to get the Airmar guys on the phone
They wanted me to call a Furuno dealer of course. Though they did give me some ideas.

Alright, I think the AD80 is buried somewhere in the panel. But I do have access to the Simrad AP70 auto-pilot.

Under Menu > Settings > Network > Device List:
AD80 autopilot (4 entries), AP-70 pilot controller, GP-33, and a SI80 channel 1 VDR, 2 gyro, 3 ecdis, and ch4 BAM. And an SI80 Pilot controller.

I can go through an auto-select for apparent wind, and it flips through it’s available devices but doesn’t find any wind sources.

I’m liking the thing you mentioned about pin outs. I will follow up with Airmar again.
Got it. The wire had rattled out of the t-connector under the panel.

Called Airmar guys, the pin outs and NMEA 0183 & 2000 are identical between WX120 and WX220.

I checked pins 1 and 2 up top, and saw 0 voltage. Once I got a buddy and started messing with wires, we found the wire (unlabeled of course) that got me 24v up top. Plugged it in, and we're up and running.


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the other two pics manual, and pins.


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Nice troubleshooting on your part. Glad that you figured it out and got this fixed.

:jump :jump :jump

Sometimes it just takes a nudge in the right direction!
